Heavy Ewes sought after at Wagga Wagga
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Ag Tech News
- Nov 12, 2020
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Yarding - 38,000 (-3000).
Lambs - 12,000 (-18,000).
Sheep - 26,000 (+15,000).
Lamb supplies decreased as harvest intensifies. Quality was fair to very good over trade and heavy lamb categories. Extra heavy lamb numbers dipped noticeably with not the numbers of big lambs over 30kg carcass weight. Restockers were out in force with several new orders in play. A full field of buyers were in attendance; however, not all export processors operated. All domestic processors were active although some major processors were more selective when making purchases. Trade lamb quality was very good despite some lambs showing seed infestation. Competition varied with the greatest demand for lambs weighing from 22 to 24kg cwt.
The bulk of the trade lambs 22 to 24kg were unchanged averaging 771c/kg cwt. Store lambs and lambs with weight and frame made from $125 to $182/head. Heavy and extra heavy lamb prices lifted, driven by a shortage in the market. Lambs 26 to 30kg gained $7 to average 797c/kg cwt, with these lambs making from $215 to $253/head. Lambs weighing more than 30kg cwt sold from $244 to $266/head.
It was a mixed yarding of mutton with a few more numbers of trade and plainer stock. Heavy ewes sold to strong demand improving $7 to $9 to average 614c/kg cwt. Wethers of any description were keenly sought with some lines making over 700c/kg. Heavy wethers sold from $178 to $218/head. Trade wethers sold from $133 to $178/head to average 689c/kg cwt.


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