Farm Tender

Henke Lambs top the Sheep and Lamb market at Bendigo

Bendigo Sheep & Lamb 30/7/18

Farm Tender's Matt Henke, won't need to be paid this week after he topped the Bendigo Sheep and Lamb Market with some Dohne cross Lambs finished on Barley and Cotton Seed pallets and TPM minerals. They made $273

Overall, Lamb supply remained around the 15,000 mark with seasonal conditions having a significant effect on lamb condition. Premium prices were paid for any lamb that was well finished but still easing $3-$5.

Poorer condition lambs could have been up to $10 cheaper. 2000 sucker lambs were offered with the top pen for the Day estimated at 26kg made $238, most ranging between $140-$180.

Heavy lambs-$240-$273 $7.80-$8.00c/kg $3-$5 cheaper
Heavy Trade Lambs-$210-$240 $8.00c/kg-$8.20c/kg $3-$5 cheaper
Trade lambs $180-$210 $8.20c/kg-$8.40c/kg $5-$8 dearer
Sucker lambs $140-$238 $8.50c/kg-$8.70c/kg
Merino lambs- $100-$180 $7.40c/kg-$7.50c/kg firm on better finished lambs, up to $10 cheaper on less conditioned lambs

Sheep numbers lifted to 8000 head, more old ewes were sold in the midst of a tightening season. More trade weight sheep coming in from weaned lambs saw the prices ease up to $10.

Crossbred Ewes $115 -$180 $10-$13 cheaper.
Merino Wethers no lines to quote
Merino Ewes $115-$188 $10-$13 cheaper.  
Lighter end sheep $85-$115 $10-$12 cheaper.

Lachlan McAllister
Territory Sales Manager-Livestock Elders Bendigo