Farm Tender

Kollindale Merinos and White Suffolks nearly cracks the $1 million gross

Kollindale Merino, Poll Merino, and White Suffolk Studs, Dudinin, WA held their on-property Ram Sale on Monday

A powerful team of 350 entered the Merino Sale and they all sold to an average of $2200.

The top Horn lot made $9000 and the top Poll was knocked down for $8200.

They put of 150 White Suffolks and sold 140 to a top of $1700 and an average of $1002

The overall gross of $910,280 was just short of the benchmark million dollar mark

If you are keen for us to promote your Sheep or Cattle Stud to our 31,000 plus Farmer members give Dwain Duxson a call on 0427 011 900.