Yarding - 53,098 (+2501).
Lambs - 39,634 (+3221).
Sheep - 13,646 (-720)
Lamb supply increased to 39,600 yarded, the quality good to excellent, plenty of weight offered was across all weights and grades, with a large percentage of lambs presenting off supplementary feed. All the usual buying group were in attendance, the market started out softer on the trade weights up to $15/head but firmed up as the sale progressed. Store lambs back to the paddock still selling very strong to be firm to $5 dearer, trade weight lambs overall selling $5 to $10 softer and extra heavy lambs held firm to $10 dearer in places to top $299/head. Sheep supply decreased slightly to 13,400 yarded, the quality was mostly very good. Processes were active in a very erratic market. Bidding started much softer and during the course of the sale prices fluctuated up and down $30 to $40/head causing a stronger trend in the market to be $10 to $20/head dearer, with a range of 500c to over 700c/kg cwt in places. Merino mutton sold to a top of $234 and crossbreds made to$256/head.
Orders for feeders and restockers were strong on the light weight lambs back to the paddock, selling from $65 to $188. Lambs suiting MKorders under 18kg sold from $102 to $146/head. Lambs to the trade 18 to 22kg sold from $166 to $192, 22 to 24kg lines made from $182 to$210/head to range from 758c to 913c to average 815c to 835c/kg cwt. Lambs 24 to 26kg sold from $200 to $224/head, to average 840c/kg cwt. Export 4 score 26 to 30kg lambs, sold from $210 to $242 to average 820c and over 30kg made from $245 to the market high of$299/head to average 790c/kg cwt. Woolly sucker lambs 18 to 22kg made from $155 to $178, 22 to 26kg sold from $188 to $196 and the 26to 30kg sold from $210 to $224/head, with an average range of 800c to 820c/kg. Hoggets sold to $200 for crossbreds and Merino’s made to atop of $186/head.
Heavy Merino wethers over 24kg sold from $151 to $228, with lighter weights selling from $89 to $153/head, with a range of 610c to 630c/kg cwt. Heavy Merino ewes sold from $150 to $234/head, to average 620c to 630c/kg cwt. Heavy crossbred ewes made from $141 to$256/head, to average from 600c to 610c/kg cwt.

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