Farm Tender

Lamb prices mixed but big demand for Mutton at Ballarat

This article is bought to you by C Pearce Contracting and Glendemar MPM.

Yarding - 23,027 (-2853).

Lambs - 17,905 (+1124).

Sheep - 5,123 (-3977).

There was a large increase in lambs yarded with around three quarters being new season lambs to total 10,880 head. The quality was very good. The usual buying group attended and operated in a mixed market on last weeks levels to be around 10c/kg cwt cheaper for the tradeweight categories. One pen of new season lambs sold to $350/head which were donated for the Fiona Elsey Cancer research centre local to Ballarat, two of the local processors purchased the pen of lambs. Old lambs are fading, but still selling to $250/head for the well finished shorter skins.

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Ad - Glendemar MPM - Ram Sale is on the 2nd of October - Ad 

Light weight 2 score lambs, 12kg to 18kg, sold from $114 to $150/head to average 785c/kg cwt. Light trade 2 and 3 score lambs, 18kg to22kg, sold from $135 to $183/head to average around 780c/kg cwt. Medium trade weight 3 and 4 score lambs, 22kg to 24kg, sold from $169to $207/head, ranging from 708c to 850c to average 780c/kg cwt. Heavy 3 to 4 score trade weight lambs, 24kg to 26kg, sold from $185 to$250/head to average around 800c/kg cwt. Export lambs 26kg to 30kg, sold from $216 to $250/head to average 800c/kg cwt. Heavy hoggets sold from $112 to $186 for crossbreds and from $138 to $161/head for Merino's.

Sheep numbers decreased to 4,826 head yarded but there was high demand on mutton this week seeing one processer purchase over 80% of the sheep yarding with a jump in prices from last week, to be around $20 to $30/head dearer and more in places. Light weight 1 and 2 score sheep made from $93 to $114 to average 590c/kg cwt. Medium weight 2 and 3 score sheep sold from $104 to $163/head ranging from 448cto 705c with Merino mutton averaging around 590c/kg cwt. Heavy weight 3 and 4 score sheep sold from $135 to $190 for Merino's to average615c and from $110 to $180/head for crossbreds to average around 550c/kg cwt. Merino mutton averaging around 605c/kg cwt. Heavy Merino wethers sold from $155 to $180, medium weights sold from $110 to $172/head to average around 640c/kg cwt. Heavy crossbred wethers sold from $152 to $166/head to average 535c/kg cwt. Rams sold to $110 and ram lambs sold from $67 to $136/head

Ad - It's Hay season soon. For the best results contact C Pearce Contracting - Ad
Ad - Glendemar MPM - Ram Sale is on the 2nd of October - Ad

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