Farm Tender

Lamb prices reaching $11/kg is places at Ballarat

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Yarding - 13,500 (+5993)
Lambs - 8850 (+4178)
Sheep - 4650 (+1815)

Lamb numbers increased to 8,850 in a mixed quality yarding that ranged from plain to very good. Most of the usual buying group attended in a very strong market with prices reaching over 1,100c/kg cwt in places. Light trade lambs sold firm to $3 cheaper, medium trade weights sold firm to $4 stronger and heavy trade made up to $15/head better in places. While there wasn't the weight offered this week in the export lambs, heavy export lambs sold extremely well to be $10 to $14 dearer with extra heavy exports over 30kg cwt sold to a top of $332 to be $5 to $8/head better.

Very light 1 and 2 score lambs to the processor to suit MK orders under 18kg cwt sold from $106 to $175, back $5/head. Lambs to the trade weighing 18 to 22kg sold from $186 to $233 and those weighing 22 to 24kg, made from $220 to $254/head with an average range of 950c to 1,010c/kg cwt. Lambs weighing 24 to 26kg sold from $230 to $288/head to average 990c to 1,010c/kg. Export 4 score, 26 to 30kg lambs, sold from $260 to $316, averaging 960c to 1050c and those over 30kg sold from $320 to $332/head, to average 925c/kg cwt. Merino lambs were in limited numbers, selling from $55 to $185 for the lighter weights and from $170 to $218/head for the heavier weights.

Sheep supply was at 4,650. The quality ranged from plain to good with buyers present and active, that resulted in strong demand to see a mostly firm market. Heavy Merino wethers made from $179 to $246 with an average range of 715c to 730c/kg cwt, while the lighter weights sold from $120 to $188/head. Heavy Merino ewes sold from $178 to $188 to average 690c to 720c and heavy crossbred mutton made $178 to $270/head, averaging 660c to 680c/kg cwt.

Ballarat Sheep & Lamb Averages

11 Fiona Elsey Cancer Research $740
25 Glenayr Beaufort, Beaufort $334
25 E & B McCarthy, Fairbank $332
25 Laureville, Donald $330
18 Kiloran F/T, Rokewood $320
18 Bunding Ag Co, Ballan $316
56 R & M Turner, Berrybank $310
5 AS & LM Wardlaw, Avoca $305
30 R & L Sanders, Werneth $294
47 Tall Tree Enterprises, Meredith $292
13 Wundaleigh Partnership, Smeaton $290
93 RJ & SV Cole, Lymwood $288
28 SK Bartlett, Alma $285
25 Westbrook Ag, Loxton $284
10 L J Meagher, Moyreisk $283
39 Australian Livestock Farms, Bookaar $282
15 LL & HM Chibnall, Ascot $282
6 Hoogley Grazing, Timor West $280
32 T & J Barry, Ullina $276
47 Myuna, Woorndoo $275
48 A & R Everett, Rokewood Junction $271
39 Wurrook Estate, Rokewood $262
73 Mortlock Farms, Dunluce $254
10 BJE Ag, Murgheboluc $248
40 Bath Pastoral, Barunah $242
37 B  & S Huf, Woolsthorpe $238
30 L & T Rowe, Sutherlands Creek $235
31 IW McLachlan, Derrinallum $230
27 Kininmonth Pastoral Co, Ombersley $230
17 McClelland Ag, Leslie Manor $230
148 ATM Ag, Cowwarr $222
25 P & S Bryant, Tyrendarra $220
89 Stoney Point P/Ship, Darlington $215
44 S Hives, Blampied $209
77 C & B Hogan, Birchip $218
84 Rutlands, Vite Vite Nth $187
23 Westbrook Ag, Loxton $185
47 Bath Pastoral, Barunah $180
44 Ipsen Ag, Bowenvale $170
11 E & B MCCarthy, Fairbank $240
142 C & B Hogan, Birchip $198
76 Kininmonth Pastoral Co, Ombersley $205
49 Kornong, Streatham $270
100 TG & TM Sullivan, Millbrook $269
5 P Flanagan, Bacchus Marsh $250
14 MBS Ag, Waubra $246
25 Ipsen Ag, Bowenvale $244
15 E & B McCarthy, Fairbank $241
5 Mernda Ag, Mingay $237
40 IL & LM Buchholz, Lismore $226
93 Shaw Pastoral, Newry $224
24 A,B & C Wilkie, Illabarook $208
21 B L Smith, Inverleigh $199
9 FP & AK Grigg, Ceres $196
53 Newo P/L, Maryborough $188
38 BP & JA Lanfranchi, Mt Hooghly $183
27 Westbrook Ag, Loxton $254
193 D & P Lowry, Birchip $246
102 Newo P/L, Maryborough $231
57 H B Miller, Anakie $209
58 Dowling Estate Windermere $202
37 G M Wardlaw, Avoca $188
84 L J Meagher, Moyreisk $179
37 D K Brereton, Avoca $173