Lamb quality continues to slip at Bendigo
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Ag Tech News
- Dec 01, 2020
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Yarding - 24,500 (-1500).
Lambs - 16,700 (-1300)
Sheep - 7800 (-200).
Modest drop in lamb supply back to 16,700 head, while sheep numbers remained similar. Lamb quality continues to slip heading into summer,with a lot of the unshorn woolly young lambs showing dryness and varied fat cover. Any young lambs still in top slaughter condition were targeted by buyers, and the trend of the better quality lots were selling at a premium over the average run. The best heavy and trade lambs were a few dollars dearer, while the plainer types fluctuated to end up similar to last week. The yarding included some feature lines of wellbred crossbred store lambs sent in from the Yea and Mansfield areas and offered in bigger lines of 100 to 400 head. Price results for quality small lambs back to the paddock matched last week.
Not a lot of big export lambs on offer, the heaviest young lambs weighing over 30kg cwt sold from $224 to $237/head. The main run of heavy young lambs, 26 to 30kg cwt sold from $207 to $222 to average $214/head. The lead pens of 24 to 26kg cwt lambs made from $190 to$205/head. Underneath this was a lot of medium and lighter trade lambs to processors to sell from $150 to $185/head. The price cost for an average run of lambs was from 730c to 760c/kg cwt, with the neatest trade pens pushing closer to an average of 780c after some pens sold above 800c/kg. Well bred lines of store lambs to the paddock sold from $140 to $163/head. The limited line up of shorn lambs didn't show alot of polish and mostly made from $160 to $178/head and sold in the lower end of the carcase price range at this sale.
Early sales of sheep were dearer as exporters pushed for numbers, but demand was mixed throughout. There was only a modest change of 10c to 20c over most mutton, for a general quote from 620c to 680c/kg cwt for the best lines of Merinos and crossbreds. Extra heavy crossbred ewes made from $200 to a top of $269/head. The heaviest Merinos over 30kg cwt sold from $190 to $239 whilst medium sheep made from $130 to $180/head.

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**List your Sheep, Cattle, Rams, Bulls or other Livestock on our new Farm Tender Livestock Exchange (powered by Farm Tender). From 1% commission if you sell. Reach between 8000 - 10,000 potential customers per day. Contact our Livestock Marketing team in Hannah Anderson on 0429 479 072 or Bruce Watson 0427 514 248 for more information. Like our new Facebook page here.
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