Lambs and Sheep easier at Bendigo
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Ag Tech News
- Nov 02, 2020
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Yarding - 27,500 (-2500).
Lambs - 17,500 (-1500)
Sheep - 10,000 (-1000).
Slightly less lambs with 17,500 yarded. Some very good fresh young lambs are starting to come in from southern supply areas like Kilmore, while most stock from northern areas now showing signs of having slipped. The overall price outcome for lamb was $2 to $5/head easier, however the market did have its strong spots and there were sales that matched or even exceeded the rates of a week ago. One southern exporter pushed for numbers and did influence some good outcomes on heavy young lambs in the 26 to 30kg cwt bracket. Store lamb activity stepped up again this week, with sales to Ballarat, Bendigo, Echuca and Swan Hill.
The heaviest young lambs from 30kg to about 34kg cwt sold from $230 to a top of $254/head although there was only about a dozen sales at this price level. Heavy young lambs in the 26 to 30kg category were among the best performers of the auction selling from $204 to$242/head, reaching an estimated 800c at times to average 760c/kg cwt driven by one exporter chasing numbers. Most good trade weight lambs made from $175 to $195 with plainer domestic types selling from $155 to $170/head. Overall, most lambs sold to processors were recording averages from 740c to 780c/kg cwt. Smaller sized store lambs mostly making from $130 to $160, with specialist Ballarat finishes paying to $205/head for heavy crossbreds to shear.
The mutton market was erratic but did back down from the very strong rates recorded a week ago. Early sales were up to $20 easier, but the auction did gain momentum to settle $5 to $10/head easier over the main lines. An impressive pen of extra large Merino ewes in full wool topped at $268; big crossbred ewes making from $200 to $255/head. The general run of mutton made from $130 to $180 and the few very plain sheep sold from $70 to $125/head. There was some wide carcase price spreads due to the fluctuating bidding with the better lines of mutton costing processors an estimated 580c to 610c/kg cwt.

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