Lambs slightly easier as restockers pounce at Bendigo
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Ag Tech News
- Sep 23, 2019
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Yarding - 25,880 (+4561).
Lambs - 16,780 (+3944).
Sheep - 9,100 (+617).
Lamb supply increased this week at Bendigo with 16,780 head yarded, including many quality runs of trade weight and heavy young lambs. The usual buying group attended and operated in an easier market at times, with heavy young lambs selling to $240/head. The general run of medium weight and heavy lambs sold from, $173 to $219, to average around 810c/kg cwt, easing from $2 to $7/head. The light weight lambs sold to both processors and restockers and mostly held their value on last week. Old lambs, fewer in number sold to $245, with the better Merino lambs selling to $182/head. Restockers were active, paying from $111 to $177, with a Tasmanian order very active, the light restocker lambs sold at $64/head.
Light weight new season young lambs sold from $124 to $149/head. Light trade weights 2-3 score, 18-22 kg lambs, sold from $146 to$185/head and averaged 800c/kg cwt. Medium trade weight 3-4 score, 22-24 kg lambs sold from $173 to $206/head and ranged from 760c to850c, to average 810c/kg cwt. Heavy 3 and 4 score, 24-26 kg lambs sold from $198 to $219/head and averaged 810c/kg cwt. Heavy weights sold from $200 to $240, with the few extra heavy weights selling from $233 to $240/head. The medium and heavy weight old lambs sold from$169 to $202/head, to average around 700c/kg cwt. Medium and heavy weight Merino lambs sold from $136 to $182/head and averaged around 655c/kg cwt. Crossbred hoggets sold from $112 to $170, the Merino's sold from $124 to $148/head.
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The sheep penning of 9,100, again displayed an outstanding yarding of heavy and extra heavy sheep. They fluctuated a few dollars either side of last week's levels. A major northern processor was very active on heavy sheep, while not all the regular processors attended or operated. A run of heavy Merino mutton averaged 520c/kg cwt.
Light weight 1 and 2 score sheep sold from $59 to $106/head and averaged 510c/kg cwt. Medium weight 2 and 3 score sheep sold from $82to $134/head and ranged from 410c to 550c, with the Merino mutton averaging 530c/kg cwt. Heavy Merino ewes sold from $123 to $188, heavy wethers sold from $130 to $177, with the medium weights selling from $120 to $148/head. The heavy Merino sheep made from 510cto 560c/kg cwt. Heavy crossbred sheep sold from $115 to $180/head and averaged 450c/kg cwt. Rams sold from $39 to $95/head
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