Lambs up, Sheep down at Ballarat
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Jun 30, 2021
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Yarding - 22,950 (-3447)
Lambs - 19,200 (-2096)
Sheep - 3750 (-1351)
Lamb numbers eased by 2,100 with 19,200 yarded this week at Ballarat. Quality was good with another excellent selection of trade and heavy weight lambs penned. The usual buying group attended and operated keenly in a dearer market on the neatly presented trade and heavy trade weight lambs selling at times $10 to $15/head up on last week. Trade weight lambs sold from $192 to $242, with the extra heavyweight lambs selling firm from $246 to $286/head. Several pens of quality Southdown cross lambs sold at times well above 900c/kg cwt. Feeders and restockers were active and paid from $109 to $185/head. Merino lambs sold from $158 to $208, with the heavier drafts selling to $223/head. Hoggets sold to a top of $218/head.
Lightweight lambs sold from $122 to $168/head. Light trade weight lambs sold from $163 to $199/head and averaged 880c/kg cwt. Medium trade weight lambs sold from $189 to $237/head and ranged from 810c to 960c to average 870c/kg cwt. Heavy trade weight lambs sold from$215 to $242/head and averaged 870c/kg cwt. Export weights sold from $228 to $262, with the extra heavyweight lambs selling from $246to $286/head. Light and medium-weight Merino lambs sold from $146 to $208 with heavier drafts selling to $233/head and averaging from805c to 870c/kg cwt.
Sheep supply was back at 3,750 head with a mix of all weights and grades penned. The usual buying group attended but operated with less urgency with most sheep easing $5 to $8/head and more in places. Crossbred ewes sold to $236, and a small pen of wethers sold to $225/head. Lightweight sheep weighing 14 to 18 kg, sold from $104 to $130/head and averaged 680c/kg cwt. Medium weight sheep sold from $116 to $170/head with Merino mutton averaging 670c/kg cwt. Heavy Merino ewes sold from $175 to $185/head. Medium and heavyMerino wethers sold from $140 to $225/head, with the heavy Merino sheep ranging from 680c to 700c/kg cwt. Heavy crossbred sheep sold from $160 to $236/head and averaged 650c to 680c/kg cwt. Rams sold from $20 to $140/head.
**List your commercial Sheep, Cattle, Rams or Bulls on our Farm Tender Livestock Exchange. Starting at 1.5% commission if you sell. Reach between 5000 - 8,000 potential customers per day. Contact our Livestock Marketing Agent Jack Henshaw on 0407 902 941 for more information
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