Lighter and Trade weight Lambs up in price at Ballarat Market
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Ag Tech News
- Apr 10, 2019
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Yarding - 44,991 (+2395) .
Lambs - 27,812 (+1008).
Sheep - 17,179 (+1387).
Lamb supply was similar this week, with 27,812 head yarded. Quality varied from average to good across the trade weight and heavy lamb categories. The usual buying group attended, with most operating in a firm to dearer market. Light weight lambs and the trade weight lambs sold from close to firm to $8/head dearer at times, based on quality. Heavy and extra weight lambs sold approximately firm and reached the market top of $240/head. Medium trade weight lambs, 22-24kg, sold from $160 to $181/head and averaged close to 705c/kg cwt. Restockers and feeders were very active and paid primarily from $116 to $159 for their replacements, and from $77 to $93/head for lighter lots. Most feeder and restocker lambs sold from firm to a few dollars dearer.
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Light weight 2 score lambs weighing 12-18kg sold from $108 to $137/head. Light trade 2 and 3 score lambs weighing 18-22 kg made from$136 to $161/head and averaged approximately 720c/kg cwt. Medium trade weight 3 and 4 score lambs, 22-24kg, sold from $160 to $181/head or from 670c to 770c to average close to 705c/kg cwt. Heavy 3 and 4 score trade weight lambs, 24-26 kg, sold from $172 to$186/head and averaged approximately 690c/kg cwt. Export weight lambs sold from $184 to $208, with the extra heavy export lambs over30kg making from $210 to $240/head and averaging close to 650c/kg cwt. Trade weight Merino lambs sold from $134 to $140/head and averaged approximately 640c/kg cwt. Crossbred hoggets sold to $205, with Merino hoggets reaching $145.20/head.
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Ad - Mulcahy & Co Agri Solutions provides a wide range of Farm Financial Services, they make sure you get results from all your hard work - Ad
There were 17,179 sheep yarded, up on last week’s numbers. Quality was mostly good, with all weights and grades on offer. There were some large runs of Merino ewes and wethers and heavy crossbred sheep penned. Most of the regular buying group attended and operated in a firm market on the lighter sheep, with the heavier sheep easing to $10/head in places. Heavy Merino ewes sold close to firm and reached$165, as heavy crossbred ewes sold to a top of $231 and Merino wethers made to $178/head. Light weight 1 and 2 score sheep sold from $45to $108 and averaged close to 450c/kg cwt, with very light sheep making from $6 to $68/head. Medium weight 2 and 3 score sheep sold from$75 to $144/head or from 385c to 540c, with the Merino mutton averaging approximately 490c/kg cwt. Heavy Merino ewes sold from $133 to$165, heavy Merino wethers made from $126 to $178 and the medium weights received from $93 to $138/head. The heavier Merino sheep made from 495c to 540c/kg cwt. Heavy crossbred ewes sold from $106 to $231/head and averaged close to 490c/kg cwt. Crossbred wethers sold from $112 to $200 and rams received from $15 to $126/head
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