Farm Tender

Mainly cheaper at Ballarat

Yarding: 36,691

Lamb numbers dropped to 26,600, around 8,000 less to last week. Quality slipped over the yarding with a large portion plainer secondary types, however large lots of better quality light weights suiting store buyers were offered and limited well finished lambs with weight and shape. All the usual buying group attended, most were active with good competition from store buyers.

The market opened strong over the light store lambs the softened over the plainer lambs, while only gaining momentum over the better quality pens of lambs with good finish, shape and weight. Light store lambs sold to $10 dearer over the better quality larger lots and then soften on the smaller plainer lots sold firm to $5 softer. Light trade slipped $5, medium and heavy trade sold $3 to $7/head Cheaper, however the lambs in short skins presented in excellent condition with a good finish sold dearer on last weeks levels. Extra heavy export lambs had a limited offering and sold to $300/head, selling to $13 cheaper.

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Lambs back to the paddock made from $12 to $155 and $142 to $193/head to feed on. Light trade lambs under 18kg to suit MK orders sold from $100 to $146/head, averaging 700c to 800c/kg cwt. Trade lambs 18 to 22kg sold from $150 to $194/head, 22 to 26kg sold $159 to $230/head, to average 800c to 860c/kg cwt. Heavy export lambs over 26kg made from $222 to $300/head, to average of 825c to 885c/kg cwt. Hoggets from $54 to $118 for the Merino’s and $68 to $180/head for the crossbreds.

Mutton numbers dropped to 10,000 penned, quality ranged from plain to very good. Most buyers were active in a slightly softer market across the yarding. Merino wethers made from $55 to $117 for the lighter weights, and the heavy Merino wethers were in limited supply selling from $100 to $139, slipping $3 to $5/head, to average 365c to 425c/kg cwt. Light weight Merino ewes made from $28 to $105, selling $9 cheaper and the heavier weights sold from $98 to $117, to be $10/head softer to average 320c to 400c/kg cwt. Heavy crossbred mutton made from $82 to $139 slipping $8 and the lighter weights made from $32 to $90/head, to average 345c to 385c/kg cwt.

Ballarat Sheep & Lamb  Averages  21/01/2025  
190 Precision Production, Dean $291
191 Grigg Farms, Bungaree $290
47 Caverndale Farming, Blowhard $287
79 Weering Pastoral, Weering $276
46 Buangor Park, Buangor $271
47 PD & AJ Elliott, Rathscar West $270
19 Fraser Partners, Bo Peep $266
42 P & V Mortlock, Campbelltown $258
136 Wade Farms, Bungaree $250
12 A & J O'Connell, Carisbrook $248
42 Rutlands Pastoral, Vite Vite $234
22 PA McIndoe, Leongatha $223
48 JM & DC Moss, Tatyoon $222
72 NC McKinley, Timor West $215
59 Mickali, Caramut $215
55 JW & B H-Drife, Glendaruel $215
72 KF Dalton, Clunes $210
14 PM Mellington, Rokewood $210
46 TL & SD Hawker, Kaniva $209
64 M & J Stafford, Russells Bridge $208
31 B Stewart, Kernot $221
68 Lester Farms, Leongatha $204
73 Elm Valley, Tarwin Lower $200
77 KR Davies, Gelantipy $193
65 JW Gray, Darlington $188
71 Nelson Park, Birregurra $180
63 G & L Price, Stavley $139
26 PA McIndoe, Leongatha $134
76 J Ross, Ballangeich $132
46 T & D Flint, Seaspray $130
40 R & A Irving, Wheatsheaf $130
30 SW & CM Armistead, Bambra $130
21 McPhail, Welshpool $128
176 E Ross, Ellerslie $125
80 K & M Hare, Lismore $125
58 Seqirus Pty Ltd, Woodend $125
34 S & L Harrison, Giffard West $124
33 Mallee Pine, Elaine $122
22 M & C Mullane, Ballan $122
80 Narmbool, Elaine $120
61 McKenzie Props, Timboon $120
14 Nelson Park, Birregurra $119
23 G Ford, Paraparap $117
50 KJ Moore, Creswick $115
22 Turner & Lamont, Foxhow $115
83 DW & JA Crawford, Dunkeld $90
89 W & M Callaghan, Cape Clear $135
81 Narada, Hesse $126
23 K & N McKenzie, Torquay $115
174 Knewleave Partnership, St Leonards $100