Farm Tender

Mecardo Analysis - Weekly Wool Forwards – Week ending 10th August 2018

By Olivia Agar | Source: Mecardo, Riemann.

With the physical wool market back at play, the futures market responded with a surge of activity. 19 trades dealt across 18-21 micron categories.

In the fine wools, 18 micron traded at 2,420¢ for September, 2,380¢ for October and 2,355¢ for November 2018.

A 19 micron contract dealt at 2,050¢ for August 2018. September 2018 saw two trades, one at 2,160¢ and the other, 2,250¢. A February 2019 contract also traded at 2,100¢.

21 micron fibres saw majority of the action on the forwards market. August 2018 traded at 2,200¢ and 2,205¢. Contracts for September traded between 2,150¢ and 2,180¢, while October traded at 2,100¢. November 2018 dealt at 2,050¢ and December 2018 dealt at 2,075¢. 21 micron wool also traded at 2,020¢ for February 2019, 2,010¢ for April and 2,000¢ for May 2019.

2018-08-10 Wwf Fig 1

No minimum price contracts traded this week.