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Morganvale Poll Herefords Bull Sale, SA - 40/44 bulls sold to $12000 (Lot 11. Morganvale Peabody P008 to Henty-anderson Partnership, Henty VIC) & av. $7089.
Boonaroo Angus Bull Sale, VIC - 101/101 bulls sold to $22000 (Lot 4. Boonaroo Revenue P100) & av. $9089.
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Morganvale Poll Herefords Bull Sale, SA - 40/44 bulls sold to $12000 (Lot 11. Morganvale Peabody P008 to Henty-anderson Partnership, Henty VIC) & av. $7089.
Days Whiteface Bull Sale, SA - 29/39 bulls sold to $21000 (Lot 33. Days Hemisphere P012 to Harlock Pastoral, Bool Lagoon SA) & av. $8448.
Allendale Studs Bull Sale, SA - 27/39 bulls sold to $20000 (Lot 22. Allendale Jackal P176 to Glendan Park Herefords, Kyneton VIC) & av. $6692.
Boonaroo Angus Bull Sale, VIC - 101/101 bulls sold to $22000 (Lot 4. Boonaroo Revenue P100) & av. $9089.
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