Neil Donaldson marks 20 years as Droughtmaster CEO
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- US & World News
- Nov 19, 2017
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Today is a significant date for Droughtmaster Australia CEO, Neil Donaldson, as it marks 20 years of service with the Society. On 3 November 1997, Neil joined the Droughtmaster Society as National Operations Manager with the role eventually evolving into the current title of Chief Executive Officer.
In his early career, as an agent for livestock agencies including Mactaggarts (which later merged with Queensland Primary Producers) and Primac, Neil was active in the livestock industry and travelled extensively as a livestock salesman throughout southern and western Queensland to branches at Wandoan, Oakey, Quilpie and Murgon.
6 years’ experience in Papua New Guinea with Primac’s subsidiary company New Guinea Pastoral Supplies, led to Neil’s appointment to Primac at Theodore, then Branch Manager at Eidsvold and later at Biloela.
Neil has had extensive experience in a variety of aspects of the livestock industry including the early days of CALM (now known as AuctionsPlus), Assistant Livestock Manager (Feedlots) with AMH, and a contract with MLA & Queensland DPI as a consultant on a number of projects.
This past work experience demonstrated that Neil was highly credentialed and suitable to take on the role of National Operations Manager of the Droughtmaster Society in 1997.
During the last 20 years, Neil has helped guide the Society to financial stability with nett assets increasing a hundredfold. Membership has increased by 70% and female inventory by 82% over the last 2 decades.
When asked about his time with the Society, Neil commented that he is proud of his contribution to the success of the Droughtmaster breed over the last 20 years. He derives a great deal of satisfaction from the successes achieved by members and enjoys the fantastic camaraderie which is clearly evident among the members.
“As with any organisation there have been numerous challenges to overcome, however the last 20 years have been both exciting and enjoyable. Having spent almost half of my working life with the Society, I can honestly say the Droughtmasters have been my “other” family.”
Congratulations, Neil, on this remarkable milestone in your career as CEO of the Droughtmaster Society. Your dedication to the breed is gratefully appreciated by the members past and present.
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