A new additional Grain Fed beef standard titled Grain Fed Finished (or GFF) is being introduced from 1 September 2018.
Developed by ALFA through industrywide consultation, the Grain Fed Finished Standard increases flexibility around producing Grain Fed beef whilst continuing to ensure product integrity and eating quality.
This additional minimum standard requires cattle to be produced within the National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS) production system, be raised on a specific high energy ration for a minimum 35 days on feed and successfully meet Meat Standards Australia (MSA) grading requirements when processed.
Adoption of the new standard is voluntary and a commercial decision between brand owners, meat processors, non-packer exporters and their NFAS accredited suppliers.
NFAS accredited feedlots, AUS-MEAT beef processors and non-packer exporters have been provided information directly from AUS-MEAT regarding the GFF Standard and what needs to be done to produce GFF eligible cattle and beef.
ALFA recognises the importance of existing Grain Fed standards, being the Grain Fed (GF) and Grain Fed Young Beef (GFYG) standards, and their widespread use in describing and trading Grain Fed beef. Importantly these existing standards will not change, with GFF providing an additional feeding option for NFAS Accredited feedlot operators.
For cattle to be eligible for the Grain Fed Finished (GFF) Standard, they must:
* Be produced in an NFAS accredited feedlot in accordance with the NFAS Rules and Standards;
* Have been fed for not less than 35 days (Males* and Females), and for not less than 28 days of that, on a nutritionally balanced ration of a recognised high energy feed of which grain is the highest single component. Rations must have an average metabolizable energy (ME) content greater than 10 megajoules (MJ) per kg of dry matter; and
* Meet all Meat Standards Australia (MSA) grading requirements at production and meat processing to be eligible as GFF product.
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