New record for older Lambs at Wagga Wagga
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Oct 08, 2021
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Yarding - 44,000 (+8100)
Lambs - 34,000 (+6000)
Sheep - 10000 (+2100)
Lamb and sheep numbers increased marginally. Quality across new season heavy exports was fair to very good with the offering of 24,800 lacking weight. New season trade lambs were well supplied but quality was mixed and due to less fat cover and dryer skins. Store lambs were well supplied offering buyers a very mixed selection of all types. Old extra heavy lamb quality improved notably, and buyers did bid strongly for the heaviest lambs setting a new Australian record of $399.20/head. Five major processes were absent from the sale leaving a small contingent of buyers operating at the market.
The new season lamb market lost some traction due to the reduced buyer activity. Lambs 22kg to 24kg sold from $200 to $258/head to average 960c/kg cwt. Extra heavy young lambs met patchy demand at times selling from $270 to $310/head to average 964c/kg cwt. There was a mixed selection of young lambs suitable for restockers and feedlots. Lambs with weight and frame sold from $166 to $223/head. Old trade lamb quality was fair with limited drafts well finished. Lambs weighing 22kg to 24kg averaged 904c/kg cwt.
A small field of export buyers were in attendance and competed over a better-quality offering to the previous sale. Lambs 26kg to 30kg sold $8/head dearer to average 954c/kg cwt. Big super heavy lambs sold from $303 to $399.20/head.
It was a mixed quality yarding of mutton that was offered to a very small group of buyers. Heavy crossbred ewes sold to weak competition, with very few buyers operating. Heavy ewe mutton averaged 620c to 660c/kg cwt. Trade sheep were in reasonable supply and prices were unchanged to $6/head cheaper averaging 653c/kg cwt.
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