New season Lamb market lost momentum at Wagga Wagga
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Oct 01, 2021
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Yarding - 35,900 (-11,350)
Lambs - 28,000 (-10,250)
Sheep - 7900 (-1100)
Lamb and sheep numbers declined moderately. Quality across new season heavy exports was only fair with the yarding lacking weight. Trade lambs were well supplied but quality slipped with all categories requiring more finish. New season store lambs were well supplied offering buyers a mixed selection of all types. Old trade and heavy export lamb quality was significantly plainer. A full field of domestic and export buyers were operating.
The new season lamb market lost momentum due to weaker demand and less well finished stock. Lambs 22kg to 24kg sold from $205 to $265/head to average 973c/kg cwt. Extra heavy young lambs met patchy demand from southern processors selling from $274 to $313/head to average 989c/kg cwt. There was a mixed selection of young lambs suitable for restockers and feedlots. Buyers travelled from Ballarat, Cowra, Griffith, Forbes and the local area. Lambs with weight and frame sold from $151 to $218/head.
Old trade lamb quality was plain to fair. With very few drafts well finished. Lambs weighing 22kg to 24kg averaged 938c/kg cwt. A bigger field of export buyers were in attendance and competed over a very mixed-quality yarding. Lambs 26kg to 30kg sold to weaker competition from both northern and southern buyers to average 953/kg cwt.
It was a mixed quality yarding of mutton that was offered to a small group of buyers. Heavy crossbred ewes sold to strong demand from a northern buyer which contributed to the dearer trend. Heavy ewe mutton averaged 636c to 658c/kg cwt. Trade sheep were in reasonable supply selling at $122 to $180/head. Ewes returning to the paddock sold from $190 to $230/head
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