Farm Tender

Newbold Poll Dorset Ram makes $7000

Newbold Elite Performance Sheep, Gawler River, SA had their sale on Thursday.

11 Poll Dorset Stud Rams sold to a top of $7000 and an average of $3375. 64 Flock Rams sold to a top of $2100 and an average of $1286 Of the Poll Dorset ewes, 15 sold to a top of $500 and an average of $395. There was a total clearance in the Poll Dorsets

5 White Suffolk Stud Rams sold to a top of $3100 and an average of $2160. 42 of the 54 Flock Rams sold to a top of $2100 and an average of $1109

The sale grossed $182,732 for the Close family

Picture - The top price Ram