Farm Tender

NSW Government offer Transport subsidies for drought ravaged Farmers

Drought Transport Subsidies

The NSW Government will offer a transport subsidy of up to $20,000 per eligible farm business.

The subsidy can cover 50% of the full cost of freight up to a maximum of $5 per kilometre and 1,500 kilometres per journey, so the maximum subsidy per journey would be $3,750.

The subsidy can be applied for the cost of transporting fodder, water to a property for stock, stock to and from agistment, and stock to sale or slaughter.

The subsidy will be back-dated so farmers can access subsidies for freight expenses incurred since 1 January 2018.

The NSW Rural Assistance Authority (RAA) will begin processing applications for Drought Transport Subsidies from Monday, 6 August 2018.

Contact the NSW RAA for more information on 1800 678 593 or visit NSW RAA -