On the up at Wagga Wagga
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Nov 22, 2024
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Yarding - 62,800
Agents penned an additional few thousand sheep and lambs this week with an strong increase in weight across the New Season lamb on offer. Quality was excellent in places with isolated sales rolling over 900c/kg cwt, processors eager to hang on the rail to secure the weight. The store lamb numbers continue to be high attracting a large number of restocker buyers from southern and northern areas joined by feedlotters. All regular processors were present and active with market trends firm to $13 dearer. Good numbers of trade weight New Season lambs were up for grabs with a mixture of finish, some lambs were outstanding with some showing dryness in the skin. Lambs were firm to $8 dearer in places. Light and medium trade lambs were selling between $145 and $165/head. Heavy trade lambs weighing from 23 to 26kg sold between $185 and $242 to average 860c/kg cwt.
The addional weight across the heavy and extra heavy types resulted in gains of $13 with heavy New Season lambs selling between $237 and $268/head and extra heavy export types over 30kg reaching $295/head. The bulk of the light lambs were shared between restocker’s and processors. Restocker’s operated between $91 to $134/head and from $36 to $98/head for very light types. Processors paid from $91 to $134/head for lambs between 12 and 18kg. Lambs going to feed made between $104 to $131/head.
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There was an increase in shorn lamb numbers presented. Heavy trade weights made between $186 and $234/head and heavy lambs from $241 to $278/head.
Mutton sold to very strong demand particularly across the trade and heavy weight categories. Two major export processors hung on the rail driving prices up with isolated sales at 500c/kg cwt. Extra heavy Crossbred ewes sold between $90 and $188/head to average 400c/kg cwt. A very good offering of Merinos were available with extra heavy ewes selling between $104 and $174/head. Trade sheep were equally strong selling between $76 and $133/head.
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