This article is bought to you by Victorian State Marnoo Merinos Field Day and Elmore Compost.
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Onslow Angus Bull Sale, NSW - 34/49 bulls sold to $17000 (Lot 11. Onslow Galilee N128) & av. $6603.
Manchee Agriculture Bull Sale, NSW - 61/62 Shorthorn bulls sold to $18000 twice (Lot 56. Yamburgan Gigabytes P1 to Tatalia Stud, NSW & Lot 59. Yamburgan Gigabytes P16 to Bungulla Stud, NSW and Bundaleer Stud, SA) & av. $7241 and 15/21 Durham Shorthorn bulls sold av. $5700.
Victorian State Marnoo Merinos Field Day and Elmore Compost.
Ad- Victorian State Marnoo Merinos Field Day - After a successful 1st event we are looking forward to next year - Ad
Ad - Get the balance back in your soils - Try Elmore Compost - Call Frank Harney on 0428 511 525 - Ad
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