Farm Tender

Prices ease $10-$20 lower at Bendigo

Yarding - 16,994 (-2326).
Lambs - 11,394 (-1301).
Sheep - 5600 (-1025).

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Lamb numbers eased to 11,394 head despite next week's public holiday that will cause Bendigo to miss a sale. Processor demand was weaker, with three main export orders not active and a major domestic processor absent. Prices decreased by $10 to $20/head across the bulk of the yarding, with some pens easing more on a week ago. Bidding for extra heavy lambs was particularly dull. The best trade weight lambs, and light lambs suiting MK export orders, held their value the best amid restricted supplies.

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Extra heavy export lambs weighing above 30kg cwt sold from $178 to $199/head to record an estimated average of 574c/kg cwt. The heavy lambs, weighing 26-30kg cwt, made from $160 to $185/head to work out from 600c to 610c/kg cwt over the main runs. There was a better level of processor support over the trade weight lambs, with the neatest types in short skins reaching $165/head, at up to 670c/kg cwt. However, bidding was selective over the plainer pens that eased carcase averages to make from 610c to 650c/kg cwt over the bulk of the lambs to domestic processors. There was a reasonable number of Merino lambs in the yarding, the better covered trade weights receiving from $138 to $154/head at an estimated 590c/kg cwt. Supplies of well presented light weight lambs under 20kg cwt remained tight, helping keep these pens at prices from $110 to $135/head. Very small and secondary lambs with little fat cover were discounted.

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Sheep numbers eased to 5,600, made up of primarily crossbred and Merino ewes. Mutton was cheaper, with not all the regular buyers active. Sales varied from $6 to $20/head lower depending on weight and quality. The heaviest crossbred ewes sold from $115 to $148 and Merino ewes made from $91 to a top of $149/head. The best Merino sheep, with reasonable fat cover, trended close to 400c, with the balance of the yarding receiving from 320c to 390c/kg cwt