Prices eased for Sheep and Heavy Lambs at Ballarat
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Apr 14, 2021
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Yarding - 53,422 (+16,396)
Lambs - 39,237 (+9001)
Sheep - 14,185 (+7395)
There was a lift in lamb numbers to 39,237 at Ballarat which was 9,001 head more then last week. Quality varied from average to very good with a mix of well presented heavy export to plainer unfinished and store lambs. The usual buying gallery was present and they operated in an overall cheaper lamb sale for heavy and trade weight lambs, however the light lambs sold mostly from firm up to $4/head dearer at times benefiting from extra competition from the restockers. The medium trade weight lambs were from $5 to $6 easier but the extra good quality sold unchanged during the sale. Heavy and extra heavy lambs sold from $6 to $12 cheaper as lambs reached a top price of $305/head. Restockers were very busy and purchased light lambs from $52 to $121, and the better quality store lambs made from $131 to $184/head.
Lightweight lambs made from $116 to $149, light trade weights sold from $138 to $163/head to average 855c/kg cwt. Medium trade weight lambs made from $168 to $188/head. As the heavy trade weights sold from $173 to $195 and lambs 25 to 26kg made from $192 to$212/head to average from 780c to 810c/kg cwt. The heavy 27 to 30kg lambs sold from $205 to $242/head, the extra heavy export lambs made from $238 to $305/head to average from 740c to 760c/kg cwt. The Merino lambs over 18kg made from $149 to $180/head to average725c/kg cwt. Heavy crossbred hoggets sold to $232 and Merino hoggets were making from $169 to $223/head.
There were 14,185 sheep penned an increase of 7,395 head. Quality was mixed with all weights and grade represented. Prices were also of an easier trend from $5 to $10 for the light and medium weights, with the heavy sheep selling from $10 to $15 softer and up to $20/head in places. Lightweight 1 and 2 score sheep made from $83 to $139/head. Medium weight sheep sold from $125 to $175/head to average 650c/kg cwt. Heavy crossbred ewes made from $186 to $241 to average 630c/kg cwt, with crossbred wethers selling to a top of $260/head. Heavy Merino ewes sold to $218, the medium to heavyweight Merino wethers sold from $160 to $220/head to average 680c/kg cwt. Merino rams with weight made from $137 to $180, the other breeds sold from $58 to $78/head
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