Prices fluctuated for Lambs at Wagga Wagga
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Ag Tech News
- Oct 29, 2020
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Yarding - 46,000 (+7650).
Lambs - 36,000 (+5100).
Sheep - 10,000 (+2550).
Lamb supplies increased significantly. The quality of the new season lambs was excellent over trade and heavy lamb categories. Shorn young lambs were in greater numbers and most pens sold to enthusiastic bidding. A few more restockers entered the market but were selective when buying mostly due to strong demand from processors. A full field of buyers were in attendance however, not all exporter buyers made purchases or operated to capacity. This caused prices to fluctuate at times across heavy export classes.
In the trade market major domestic buyers controlled the market paying premium prices for the better presented 21 to 24kg cwt stock. The outstanding selection of heavy trade lambs met stronger demand gaining $7/head to average 800c/kg cwt. New season lambs 21 to 22kg were well supplied this week making from $164 to $188/head. There was a mixed selection of lambs to suit restockers, most weighed below18kg cwt. The general run sold from $123 to $170/head. Not all export buyers operated and competition was erratic. Heavy lambs were well supplied gaining $8/head to average 806c/kg cwt, New season lambs weighing from 26 to 30kg sold from $213 to $246/head. Lambs weighing above 30kg cwt sold $15 dearer making from $240 to $275/head to average 776c/kg cwt.
It was a very good yarding of sheep and not all buyers operated. Heavy ewes sold to strong demand with heavy crossbred ewes recording atop price of $260/head to average 639c/kg. Heavy Merino ewes in full wool made from $200 to $250/head. Trade sheep were in very short supply making from $124 to $161/head.
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