Prices up - Lamb quality exceptional at Ballarat
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Ag Tech News
- Feb 09, 2021
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Yarding - 39,876 (-13,222).
Lambs - 28,527 (-11,107).
Sheep - 11,349 (-2115)
Lamb supply decreased to 28,500 yarded, the quality was exceptional across all weights and grades. All the usual buying group attended and operated in a very strong market with price increases of $5 to $15/head throughout the sale. Trade weight lambs selling $5 to $14 dearer, heavy lambs sold $5 to $8 better and extra heavy lambs were $5 dearer in places to top $300/head. Young light crossbred ewe lambs for herd replacement sold to a top of $260/head. Sheep supply decreased slightly to 11,300 yarded, the quality was plain to excellent with plenty of weight offered. Most processors were very active to see price increases of up to $30, with one exporter dropping out of the market three quarters of the way through saw prices reduce but overall the market was $10 to $15/head dearer for the heavy mutton and more in places. Merino mutton sold to a top of $268 and crossbred’s to $277/head.
Specialty feeders and restockers were active on the light weight lambs back to the paddock, selling from $80 to $177 under 20kg, with 20kgand over making from $174 to $205/head. Lambs suiting MK orders under 18kg sold from $127 to $151/head. Lambs to the trade 18 to 22kgsold from $162 to $192, 22 to 24kg, made from $183 to $222/head to range from 796c to 925c to average 840c to 860c/kg cwt. Lambs 24 to26kg selling from $210 to $228/head, to average 850c/kg cwt. Export 4 score lambs 26 to 30kg, sold from $220 to $250 to average 840c/kg.The over 30kg lines sold from $252 to $300/head to average 805c/kg cwt. Heavy woolly lambs sold to a top of $254/head, with supply limited. Hoggets sold to $200 for crossbreds and Merino’s made to $224/head.
Heavy Merino wethers over 24kg sold from $164 to $268, with lighter weights selling from $86 to $170/head, with a range of 620c to 660c/kgcwt. Heavy Merino ewes sold from $162 to $254/head, to average 640c to 670c/kg cwt. Heavy crossbred ewes made from $146 to$277/head, to average from 610c to 640c/kg cwt.

**List your commercial Sheep, Cattle, Rams or Bulls on our new Farm Tender Livestock Exchange (powered by Farm Tender). Starting at 1% commission if you sell. Reach between 8000 - 10,000 potential customers per day. Contact our Livestock Marketing Agent Hannah Anderson on 0429 479 072 for more information
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