Record price for a pen of Suckers at Wagga Wagga
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Aug 20, 2021
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Yarding - 39,670 (-8330)
Lambs - 33,920 (-5580)
Sheep - 5750 (-2750)
It was smaller winter yarding offered to a reduced field of buyers. New season lamb numbers jumped to 11,750. Young lamb quality was exceptional and offered buyers plenty of shape and weight. A large portion of the old lamb offering were grain assisted across heavy and extra heavy lamb classes, with old trade lambs in shorter supply.
New season lambs ignited the bidding, pushing prices to record levels. New season lambs weighing 21 to 24kg recorded a top price of $270/head with the bulk averaging 998c to 1060c/kg cwt. The highlight of the new season lamb section set a national record for a pen of lambs estimated at 32kg cwt, reaching $331/head. Young 26 to 30kg lambs surged $10 selling from $280 to $290/head. There was an excellent selection of well-bred young lambs suitable for restockers that returned to the paddocks, selling from $145 to $185/head. Old trade lambs sold to stronger trends which was driven by tightening supplies. Lambs weighing 22 to 24kg gained $5/head and averaged 1,033c/kg.
A smaller field of export buyers were in attendance along with some domestic processor competition. Heavy 24 to 26kg lambs sold $16/head dearer to average 1,024c, while lambs weighing 26 to 30kg made the strongest gains averaging 1,030c/kg cwt. Extra heavy lambs estimated to weigh more than 30kg cwt were well supplied and all buyers were keen for a market share which saw prices jump $13, with the bulk selling from $316 to $350/head.
It was a mixed quality yarding of mutton. Not all buyers attended or operated across heavy or trade categories, with heavy ewes selling to weaker competition from $178 to $298/head to average 672c/kg cwt. Heavy Merino wethers sold from $198 to $204/head to average 564c/kg cwt. Trade sheep were mostly shorn, with limited ewe mutton in longer skins. The bulk sold from $130 to $170/head.
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