Farm Tender

Rennylea, Gilmandyke and Futurity Bull sale results

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Rennylea Angus Spring Bull Sale, NSW - 146/146 bulls sold to $21000 (Lot 43. Rennylea P34 to McRae Pastoral Co, Goondiwindi QLD) & av. $8216.


Gilmandyke Angus Bull Sale, NSW - 34/37 bulls sold to $9500 (Lot 3. Gilmandyke Mediator N334) & av. $5272 and 47/47 commercial heifers sold av. $1723.


Futurity Shorthorns Bull Sale, NSW - 37/45 bulls sold to $22000 (Lot 28. Futurity Prophecy P13 to Outback Shorthorns, NSW & Glengyron Shorthorns, VIC) & av. $8031.


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