Farm Tender

Reported very buoyant at Wagga Wagga

Yarding - 63,990

Victorian processors were the market drivers in a bigger yarding of lambs. Quality was fair to excellent however there was limited numbers of extra heavy young lambs in each agents run. The market was very buoyant with price spikes for lambs showing freshness and plenty of yield.

With 29,000 new season lambs offered, this was the biggest number seen so far this spring. Southern buyers were very active, securing the majority of the young lambs. Young trade lambs weighing 20-24 kg lifted a few dollars selling from $155 to $222, averaging around 855c/kg. Lambs 24 to 26kg were well supplied selling from $212 to $237/head. Heavy young lambs were in big demand from both exporters and domestic processors their prices ranged from $220 to $262, averaging 842c/kg. Over 30kg sold at $264 to $271/head. Young lambs returning to the paddock attracted plenty of bidding, selling for $88 to $158/head.

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Old trade lambs saw patchy demand, due to the plainer offering, prices ranging from $135 to $170/head. Lambs weighing 27kg plus fetched between $206 and $262/head. Meanwhile, Merino lambs were very mixed and buyers were not as keen on these types. Prices varied greatly ranging from $127 to $155/head.

It was a mixed yarding of mutton and the usual buyers were in attendance. Heavy ewes sold from $80 to $98 averaging 276c to 322c/kg cwt. Trade sheep sold from $59 to $82 averaging 301c/kg cwt.