Farm Tender

Rice Growers agree to a $3 per tonne increase to the R & D Levy

63 % of Australian Rice growers voted in favor of a $3 per tonne increase to the rice research and development (R&D) Levy.

If this increase is approved by government it will be the first increase in 13 years and will deliver benefits for all growers in all rice growing regions through significantly increasing returns per megalitre. The next steps in the Levy increase procedure will be:
1. The RGA to submit the final report in their levy proposal to the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR). This report is currently underway and will be submitted before the end of this year.
2. DAWR will review the report and prepare the legislative amendment needed for the levy increase.
3. The Minister for Agriculture will then propose the amendment to Parliament who will need to vote in favour of the change.

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The RGA hopes the legislative changes can be passed through Parliament before the 2019/20 rice season commences, however acknowledges an expected delay of approximately 3 months due to the government caretaker period leading up to the federal election.

In one of the rice industries driest and lowest production years on record, the RGA is proud to be part of an industry that acknowledges the importance of R&D for increasing water efficiency and ensuring that rice remains competitive.

R&D: A focus on ongoing improvement in water use efficiency.
Over the next 5 years, the goal of the Rice R&D program will be to improve rice industry water use efficiency to deliver gains in on-farm productivity, and contribute to environmental and social sustainability in rice growing areas.

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The four objectives that will drive the 2016/17 to 2021/22 Rice RD&E Program are
1. Development of an aerobic southern rice system which would deliver commercially acceptable rice yields without water ponding and would cut crop water use in half.
2. Rice breeding – varieties and quality improvement to focus on developing stress tolerant varieties that reduce water use and maintain or enhance eating quality and yield.
3. Farm productivity – maximising the efficiency of farm inputs, crop protection and the maximising returns from the farming system.
4. Extension, sustainability and human capital – continuing the extension program which has proven essential in the uptake of rice research outputs.