Ricegrowers - Labor must not support Basin Plan disallowance motion
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Cattle News
- Feb 05, 2018
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The Ricegrowers’ Association of Australia (RGA) has called on the Australian Labor Party to vote down any disallowance motion relating to the Murray Darling Basin Plan’s Northern Basin Review or the SDL adjustment.
“The opposition must resist the urge to support any disallowance motion relating to the Plan. Shadow Environment Minister Tony Burke championed the SDL adjustment as the best way he could address the extreme concerns about negative social and economic impacts resulting from the plan. Now is not the time to waver” RGA President Jeremy Morton said.
Over the past six months there has been a deliberate, strategic and coordinated campaign to undermine the integrity of the Basin Plan.
“The attempts to discredit people and communities of the Basin as well as the Murray Darling Basin Authority has been ruthless and uncompromising. The assault on the integrity of so many people who are working hard to achieve the best possible outcome from the Basin Plan is nothing short of disgraceful.” Mr Morton said.
The Basin Plan still has seven years to run and environmental improvements are occurring despite the deliberate and negative narrative from those who will not rest until all productive water diversions cease.
“Over the past twenty years 4000GL (four trillion litres) of water has been recovered for the environment. When combined with improved catchment management and land use practices we are seeing significant improvements to environmental outcomes across the Basin.” Mr Morton concluded.
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