Riverine Plains Inc to hold informal soil pit discussions
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Intensive Farming News
- Jan 28, 2018
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Riverine Plains Inc will hold informal soil pit discussions for farmers at Bungeet and Miepoll on Tuesday 6 February, 2018.
Riverine Plains Inc Research and Extension Officer, Dr Cassandra Schefe, explained that the soil pit sessions provide an opportunity for local farmers to learn more about their local soil characteristics and how this relates to moisture and nutrient movement through the growing season.
“In 2017, Riverine Plains Inc installed on-farm weather stations with soil moisture probes at Bungeet and Miepoll, through a project funded through the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. The soil pits we will be looking at have been established next to these weather station sites, and will provide extra data and context for the day” she said.
“By looking at the soils pits, the 2017 soil test results, as well as the local weather and soil moisture probe data, we can a put together a story about soil water movement and where nutrients, such as nitrogen, went last season. This in turn can also provide us with useful planning information for the 2018 season” she added.
The first session begins at 10am at Bungeet, with the soil pit site located to the north of 320 Devenish-Wangaratta Road, Bungeet West. The second session commences at 2pm at Carters Rd, Miepoll, with the soil pit located between Arcadia Two Chain Road and the Euroa-Shepparton Rd. Signage will be provided on the day.
All are welcome to attend these free events.
This event is being held as part of the Improving fertiliser and chemical use through local real time weather and soil information for farmers of the productive plains project. The project is supported by the Goulburn Broken CMA through the Australian Government's National Landcare Program.
To register, or for more information, please contact Cassandra Schefe at Riverine Plains on 03 5744 1713, email cassandra@riverineplains.org.au, or visit riverineplains.org.au.
Information from the Bungeet and Miepoll weather stations and soil moisture probes, along with the entire Riverine Plains Inc weather station network, is available for free public access via the weather page at riverineplains.org.au.
Riverine Plains Inc is an independent farming systems group specialising in farmer driven research and extension across north-east Victoria and southern New South Wales. For more information, or to become a member, please visit www.riverineplains.org.au
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