Farm Tender

Riverine Plains year in review event on Feb 1

Riverine Plains Inc will host Sykesy’s Buraja Meeting on Thursday February 1, 2018. The meeting is an opportunity for local farmers to discuss the harvest that was, lessons learnt from 2017 and the challenges likely to arise in the season ahead. This event continues the tradition started by the late John Sykes and is named in his honour.

Riverine Plains Inc Executive Officer, Fiona Hart says that this long-standing event is important for the grain growing community, because it provides a forum to discuss last year’s experiences, which in-turn helps in planning for the coming season.

“The 2017 growing season was highly variable, with dry conditions, frost and weather damage affecting growers differently across the region. This has created a range of management scenarios leading into 2018, which we aim to discuss on the day” said Fiona.

The day will start with a post-harvest debrief session, facilitated by Chris Minehan from Rural Management Strategies. Chris will also address key aspects of preparing for the year ahead.

Using results from the local National Variety Trials (NVT) and the Riverine Research Centre at Yarrawonga, Nick Poole from FAR Australia will speak on regional wheat variety performance and options for planting in autumn 2018. David Burch from NSW DPI will speak on barley varieties, while Phil Bowden from Pulse Australia will address pulse prospects for 2018. Canola varieties and grain marketing will also be discussed.

Sykesy’s Buraja Meeting will be held on Thursday 1st February, 2018 at the Buraja Recreational Ground Hall, commencing at 9am sharp until 12:30pm. All are welcome to this free event and a BBQ lunch will be provided afterwards. No RSVP is necessary.

A GRDC Southern NSW Regional Cropping Solutions Network (RCSN) Meeting will follow lunch (start time approximately 1:15pm), facilitated by GRDC RCSN Southern NSW Coordinator and Rural Management Strategies consultant Chris Minehan.This Open Forum is a chance for anyone involved in the grains industry to raise issues, constraints and opportunities relevant to the local industry. It is also an opportunity to hear about investments and activities the GRDC is making to improve profitability for growers in southern NSW.

For more information please contact Fiona Hart at or phone (03) 5744 1713 or visit the website at

Riverine Plains Inc is an independent farming systems group specialising in farmer driven research and extension across north-east Victoria and southern New South Wales. For more information, or to become a member, please visit

Fiona Hart, Executive Officer, Riverine Plains (03 5744 1713)