Sheep and Lambs cheaper as numbers decline at Bendigo
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Ag Tech News
- Nov 07, 2018
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Yarding - 30,000 (-15,000).
Lambs - 20,000 (-10,000).
Sheep - 10,000 (+5,000).
Lamb numbers decreased by a third to 20,000 head, influenced by the disrupted week due to the Melbourne Cup holiday and the heavily discounted prices that appeared at saleyards late last week. Quality also declined, with not as many first-draft young lambs from the south on offer this week. Buyer demand was very subdued, with one major export and domestic processor not purchasing at all and most other buyers operating at reduced levels. Some big price corrections were evident across the market, with the heaviest lambs the hardest hit. Young unshorn lambs weighing over 24kg cwt were $40 to $50 cheaper, while most trade weights varied from $25 to $40/head easier. The smaller and lighter lambs were supported by a step up in restocker demand and most sales were just $5 to $10/head softer, some pens matching recent prices.
There were no sales over $200/head. The heaviest young lambs, 26-30kg cwt, sold from $164 to $190/head. Most of the good trade weight lambs made from $145 to $162, with the main run of unshorn crossbreds in the 22-24kg cwt category averaging approximately $156/head. Most light domestic lambs weighing 18-20kg cwt sold from $128 to $140/head. On a carcase basis prices from 600c to 650c covered most lamb sales to processors for averages of 620c to 630c/kg cwt across the main trade weight sections of the market. There was more restocker activity, with a major order from Swan Hill underpinning the market ahead of buyers from Tasmania, Gippsland, Yarrawonga, Ballarat and the local area. The better bred lines of store lambs sold from $113 to $131 to average about $124/head to the paddock. Some lambs to restockers still made over an estimated 700c/kg cwt.
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Sheep numbers also declined and the yarding comprised mostly crossbred ewes, with less Merinos yarded this week. Not all the regular buyers attended and demand decreased during the auction to produce some varied price results. Mutton sales fluctuated from $6 to $20/cheaper, with an average run of sheep estimated to cost processors from 380c to 420c, although there were some premiums to approximately 450c/kg cwt for the better covered lines of Merinos. Heavy crossbred ewes $sold from 125 to $156, while heavy Merino ewes made from $108 to $148/head, with the higher price results for pens offering a wool rebate. Light sheep showing the effects of the season received from $36 to $78/head.
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