Sheep industry rolls out the big guns for the CRC conference
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Ag Tech News
- Feb 06, 2019
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The program for the Sheep CRC Final Conference, being held in Dubbo on March 19-20, has been packed with the industry’s most influential researchers and innovative producers.
The program has been designed to highlight Sheep CRC achievements since commencing operations in 2001, and will feature speakers including: Murdoch University’s Dave Pethick and JBS’s Mark Inglis discussing meat science and consumer trends; wool processing expert Dave Tester and Gostwyck Merino’s Philip Attard on fabric innovations; University of New England geneticist Julius van der Werf and Neogen’s Jason Lilly discussing the genomics revolution; and leading producers Andrew Michael, Mark Mortimer, Rob Warburton and Stuart Warner on implementing new technologies on the farm.
With so much material to cover, the program format is high-energy 10-minute talks designed to keep speakers focussed and the audience engaged.
“The Sheep CRC Final Conference will provide a comprehensive overview of sheep industry innovation over the last two decades and will be highly relevant to everyone in the sheep industry,” CRC chief executive James Rowe said.
“Not only will it cover the major scientific breakthroughs the CRC has delivered, it will also feature topical discussions about life after the CRC and how industry is planning to maintain cooperation between the range of producer and industry organisations involved in the Sheep CRC.”
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Ad - Forest Springs Merinos now have Flock Rams available - Give Bruce Dean a call on 0407 054 342 - Ad
The Cooperative Research Centre for Sheep Industry Innovation (Sheep CRC) was established in 2001 and after two extensions to its research agenda by the Commonwealth in 2007 and 2014, its final suite of projects will come to an end in mid 2019.
The conference will be the final public event held by the CRC and will run in conjunction with the Sheep Genetics Leading Breeder Forum, which will immediately follow the event on March 20-21. The genetics update is separate to the Sheep CRC Final Conference, but is also being held at the Dubbo Regional Theatre and Convention Centre, making it a great opportunity to participate in back-to-back learning experiences.
The CRC’s Final Conference will also feature a number of trade displays from CRC Participant organisations to showcase how research has resulted in practical products.
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Ad - Forest Springs Merinos now have Flock Rams available - Give Bruce Dean a call on 0407 054 342 - Ad
And the best of lamb and sheep meat will be on the menu at the event’s networking dinner on Tuesday 19 March, with Fletcher International and the chefs at Lazy River Estate charged with creating an exceptional expose of the quality and variety lamb and sheepmeat products.
Picture - Andrew Michael
Picture - Andrew Michael
Conference registration fees have been capped at $100 (plus GST) to ensure the event is accessible to as many participants as possible, with the cost including catering. Program information and registration is available at
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