Sheep slaughter rates up 28 percent compared to the same quarter last year
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Ag Tech News
- Aug 22, 2018
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Livestock slaughtering and meat production quarterly trend movements for June 2018:
Source - ABS
* Cattle slaughter increased 57, 000 head (or 3.0%) compared with the March quarter and increased by 130,200 head (or 7.2%) year on year.
* Calf slaughtered decreased 3,200 head (or 3.0%) when compared to the March quarter and increased 5,300 head (or 5.4%) year on year.
* Sheep slaughter increased by 155,500 head (or 7.2%) compared with the March quarter and increased by 506,700 head or (28.2%) year on year.
* Lamb slaughter increased 195,400 head (or 3.3%) compared with the March quarter and increased by 511,300 head (or 9.1%) year on year.
* Pig slaughter increased by 4,100 head (or 0.3%) compared with the March quarter and increased by 44,400 head (or 3.4%) year on year.
* Chicken meat production decreased by 3,700 tonnes (or 1.2%) compared with the March quarter and decreased by 13,700 tonnes (or 4.5%) year on year.
* Brokers and dealers receivals of wool increased by 1,800 tonnes (or 1.9%) compared with the March quarter and increased by 3,700 tonnes (or 3.9%) year on year.
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