Sheep slighty cheaper at Ballarat
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Dec 01, 2021
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Yarding - 55,122 (+5155)
Lambs - 40,577 (+2065)
Sheep - 14,545 (+3090)
Lamb supply increased again this week to 40,577 penned, quality was plain to excellent with lambs showing dryness in the skins. All the usual buying group attended with extra competition from store buyers, the market was strong to be firm to dearer in places. Trade lambs sold mostly firm, export lambs were in demand selling firm to a few dollars dearer. Store buyers dominated the lighter lambs to go back to the paddock and feed on, under 18kg sold $85 to $173 and over 18kg cwt made from $165 to $230 to be $5 to $10/head dearer.
Light lambs under 18kg cwt to suit MK orders to the trade sold from $144 to $176/head. Trade lambs 18kg to 22kg sold from $169 to $208 and lambs 22kg to 24kg made from $193 to $238, with an average range of 830c to 850c and heavy lambs 24kg to 26kg sold from $212 to $249/head, to average 870c to 880c/kg cwt. Export lambs 26kg to 30kg made from $238 to $282 and the limited number offered over 30kg cwt sold from $285 to $300/head with and average range of 850c to 895c/kg cwt.
Sheep numbers increased to 14,545 penned, the quality ranged from plain to very good with most of the usual buying group present, but not all were active and some watching on. Overall, the market slightly cheaper across most categories. Heavy Merino wethers made from $175 to $215/head, to average 660c to 670c/kg cwt. Heavy Merino ewes sold from $165 to $210/head to average 620c to 650c and heavy crossbred mutton made $145 to $225/head, to average 600c to 630c/kg cwt.
44 | WA & KM Blackmore, Dundonnell | $295 |
72 | RK & KL Thomson, Raglan | $292 |
52 | KJ Moore, Creswick | $290 |
56 | Rutlands Pastoral Co, Vite Vite | $289 |
66 | MR Findlay, Addington | $288 |
55 | Rowallan Lodge, Burrumbeet | $286 |
86 | Buangor Park, Buangor | $285 |
63 | BLC Farms, Kingston | $282 |
62 | Wattle Grove Estate, Burrumbeet | $280 |
61 | D & M Beaty, Lake Bolac | $279 |
75 | MJ Fisher, Glenbrae | $278 |
58 | Emu Hill, Linton | $275 |
64 | D & J Blackshaw, Thorpdale | $274 |
129 | Warrawidgee Pastoral, Pittong | $270 |
66 | CW & TA Beechey, Burrumbeet | $270 |
55 | Penmore P/L, Darraweit Gum | $268 |
39 | G & J Mitchell, Lismore | $265 |
63 | A & P Anton & Sons, Toongabbie | $258 |
74 | IG & HM Mathews, Brewster | $256 |
62 | Grant Family Trust, Dundonnell | $256 |
28 | Riverbank Ag, Cressy | $256 |
61 | Tenterden Pastoral, Glenmore | $255 |
59 | Alcinta, Tourello | $255 |
40 | Clydebank, Strathlea | $255 |
27 | Guy Long, Buangor | $254 |
64 | SJ Loader, Glenbrae | $251 |
46 | David Nelson, Meredith | $250 |
133 | Porcupine Lane, Avoca | $249 |
79 | Bibby & Grant Family Trust, Mininera | $248 |
40 | Narmbool, Elaine | $248 |
59 | N & P Armstrong, Lethbridge | $246 |
79 | RJ & CR Walker, Skipton | $244 |
72 | R & L Sanders, Werneth | $244 |
51 | Justine Mullane, Waubra | $244 |
44 | GJ Morley, Mt Lonarch | $244 |
102 | Gallagher Trading Trust, Ercildoune | $243 |
134 | M & S Powell, Windermere | $241 |
48 | PR & EP Muir, Myrniong | $240 |
34 | Joyce & Knight, Tatyoon | $239 |
90 | Marquand Partnership, Mt Bute | $238 |
50 | RM & BF Baker, Burrumbeet | $236 |
49 | JD Taylor, Smeaton | $235 |
14 | DA McMaster, Lake Bolac | $235 |
102 | Blythvale Pastoral Co, Streatham | $234 |
131 | Stepnell Farms, Lexton | $232 |
71 | Glenlogie Family Trust, Ampitheatre | $230 |
32 | T & A May, Ararat | $230 |
65 | J Sharrock, Vite Vite | $229 |
28 | Moyston Sth, Moyston | $228 |
77 | D & D Monaghan, Stawell | $226 |
53 | DW & RM Muir, Hexham | $224 |
36 | WG Spittle, Barunah Park | $224 |
20 | A & R Everett, Rokewood Junction | $223 |
48 | Eagle Plains, Skipton | $220 |
128 | Karadoc Pastoral Co, Wickliffe | $219 |
80 | GA Ibbs, Mt Moriac | $218 |
16 | BM & JM Spalding, Little River | $218 |
52 | Hyland Pastoral, Burrumbeet | $217 |
14 | PG Dakis, Great Western | $216 |
115 | Tarra Park, Minjah | $212 |
37 | PJ & MM Kendall, Mt Moriac | $212 |
80 | AJ Turner, Foxhow | $209 |
25 | KT, JR & RT Porter, Avoca | $208 |
40 | SM & HI Wilsher, Freshwater Creek | $204 |
157 | LJ & HM Bates, Munro | $200 |
82 | Weering Pastoral, Weering | $226 |
162 | Eagle Plains, Skipton | $225 |
69 | JA & CF Cummins, Ascot | $225 |
110 | GJ & GJ Dodson, Mannerim | $220 |
95 | Mahony & McBean, Trawalla | $220 |
59 | BLC Farms, Kingston | $220 |
27 | RD Dorling, Trafalgar Sth | $220 |
30 | RT & CR Walker, Skipton | $219 |
92 | SA & HM Astbury, Tatyoon | $215 |
42 | Riverbank Ag, Cressy | $215 |
62 | MLM Farming, Lake Goldsmith | $210 |
57 | Carnoah Pastoral, Inverleigh | $210 |
24 | JX & MJ McGrath, Elaine | $210 |
22 | Lamplough Estate, Avoca | $210 |
37 | DA & ML Harbour, Yendon | $205 |
33 | DJ & BJ Emmlin, Bamganie | $202 |
94 | JD & ME Nelson, Weering | $200 |
39 | P & K Briscoe, Mt Duneed | $200 |
37 | Durkin Farms, Thorpdale | $200 |
43 | R & L Sanders, Werneth | $190 |
37 | Bucknall Ag, Majorca | $215 |
47 | RB & LM Gellert, Willaura | $210 |
19 | E & J Wilkinson, Crowlands | $190 |
91 | B Hamer, Timor | $187 |
30 | BF & I Mortlock, Bealiba | $185 |
58 | Geelong Lime P/L, Fyansford | $180 |
44 | GP & JM Bruty, Snake Valley | $176 |
28 | Linda Kelly, Sutherlands Creek | $175 |
89 | Bortkoi Pastoral Co, Hexham | $174 |
35 | McKinnons Newlyn, Newlyn | $170 |
125 | Woodstock Pastoral Trust, Avoca | $168 |
74 | Barr St Quentin, Lismore | $196 |
103 | DE & JF Kennedy, Pittong | $192 |
52 | James Anderson, Lansdborough | $185 |
86 | KM, JC & IM McCready, Norval | $184 |
40 | A & CJ Astbury, Tanwood | $184 |
38 | M & W Callaghan, Cape Clear | $180 |
35 | CL Everett, Rokewood | $175 |
39 | RC Potter, Caralulup | $174 |
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