Softer Lamb market at Wagga Wagga
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Nov 19, 2021
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Yarding -383,000 (-4000)
Lambs - 25,000 (-7000)
Sheep - 13,000 (-3000)
Lamb numbers declined with producers now preparing for harvest. Quality across new season heavy export lambs was fair to very good. Heavy young lambs were in limited supplies. Young trade lambs were in reasonable numbers however quality was quite mixed, with some lambs requiring more finish. Store lambs were well supplied. Not all buyers attended or operated fully. The smaller group of buyers resulted in a softer market.
Not all domestic buyers operated in the sale, while other companies made purchases occasionally. Prices tracked $2 to $6/head cheaper. Lambs 21 to 24kg sold from $183 to $219/head to average 847c/kg cwt. Extra heavy young lambs sold to fluctuating competition. Extra heavy lambs sold from $241 to $286, while the shorn extra heavy young lambs recorded a top price of $290/head. There was a mixed selection of young lambs suitable for restockers. Store lambs returning to the paddock with some weight and frame sold from $135 to $187/head.
It was a fair quality yarding of mutton that was offered to another small group of buyers. Heavy crossbred ewes sold to solid competition from only two buyers mostly. Heavy ewe mutton averaged 578c to 594c/kg cwt. Trade sheep were in reasonable supply averaging 598c/kg cwt. Heavy Merino wethers were few selling at $188 to $194/head.
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