Some Sheep $60/head dearer at Bendigo
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Ag Tech News
- Feb 01, 2021
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Yarding - 24,700 (+14,200).
Lambs - 21,000 (+12,300).
Sheep - 3700 (+1900)
A bigger offering of 21,000 lambs to be more than double last week's heat reduced yarding. Lamb quality also improved with a better selection of export and heavy trade weights, while the supply of genuine domestic sized lambs in fresh condition remained scarce. Bidding from processors was more enthusiastic and the sale showed better consistency compared to the erratic results of the past fortnight. The heaviest export lambs over 30kg cwt were dearer, while there was only slight price changes over the trade and heavy categories.
The heaviest export lambs sold to $274, with six pens over $270/head. Most of the 30kg plus crossbred lambs made from $230 to $265 to average $252/head at an estimated 780c/kg cwt. After this there was a lot of heavy lambs which sold from $200 to $235, with the main run of shorn crossbred lambs in the 24 to 26kg category averaging $213/head. The best presented trade lambs, 22 to 24kg, sold from $190 to$212, however the price range for an average run of lambs in this category was from $178 to $200/head. On a carcase basis. a mixed run of trade and heavy lambs was estimated as costing buyers from 820c to 840c, with individual pens out to 890c/kg. Not a lot of store lambs, the main lines being unshorn young lambs which sold from $150 to $170/head.
Mutton supply was limited with just 3,700 sheep. Clashes between two export buyers on some pens of heavy sheep created some extreme results of up to $278 for crossbred ewes and $268 for Merino ewes, spiking the sale upwards by $60/head at times. However the general trend was $20/head dearer, with good mutton costing over 600c/kg cwt.

**List your Sheep, Cattle, Rams or Bulls on our new Farm Tender Livestock Exchange (powered by Farm Tender). Starting from 1% commission if you sell. Reach between 8000 - 10,000 potential customers per day. Contact our Livestock Marketing Agent Hannah Anderson on 0429 479 072 for more information
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