Farm Tender

Terrick, Gippsland Merino Breeders and Royal Adelaide Show Elite Ram sale results

This article is bought to you by Trigger Vale Sheep Studs and Brooke's Livestock Carriers.

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Ad - Trigger Vale Sheep Studs South West Slopes Field Day 3rd of Sept, Ram Sale 6th of Sept - Ad
Ad - Brooke's Livestock Carriers - If you want someone to look after your valuable Sheep and Cattle then Brooke's are the ones - Ad

Terrick Merinos Stud Sheep Ram Sale, QLD - 95/95 rams sold to $2800 & av. $1192.


Gippsland Merino Breeders Ram Sale, VIC - 145/148 rams sold to $5500 (Pendarra Merino & Poll Merino Stud) & av. $2896.


Royal Adelaide Show Elite Sheep Sale - 8/11 Suffolk rams sold to $12500 (Sayla Park 180111 to Brimlo Stud, WA) & av. $5138 and 32/45 White Suffolk rams sold to $9000 twice (Baringa 18W175 to Jenderbrey Stud, SA and Baringa 18W042 to Westleigh Stud, VIC) & av. $5328.


Ad - Trigger Vale Sheep Studs South West Slopes Field Day 3rd of Sept, Ram Sale 6th of Sept - Ad
Ad - Brooke's Livestock Carriers - If you want someone to look after your valuable Sheep and Cattle then Brooke's are the ones - Ad

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