Farm Tender

That's what we do in the bush

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By Dwain Duxson.

That's what we do in the bush - Just changing to tone a little bit as you can get caught up in alot of heavy stuff that is front and centre in the news right now. 

I went back to my old stomping ground the other day where I grew up (Marnoo), and I like to do a bit of a tour of the district to check things out. When I come along someone on the road, you would naturally give them a wave, and you would get one back. That's how we do it in the bush. 

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And back when I was living in the district many moons ago, you always knew everyone Car or Ute. The other day, I didn't have a clue what people were now driving, so I focussed sharply on the driver and recognised most people. Most of you would be avid wavers in your community. It's just a great thing to do. 

In the local area we are living in now, our road is single-lane bitumen. The country people know that both parties have to get off the road a little so we can pass. When that happens, there is a mutual wave. We have alot of people out from the city travel down our road, and they don't follow the get-two-wheels-off-the-road rule. So it's safe to say they don't get a wave. Are you a waver? Or do you have that one person in your district who never waves to anyone? Reply to


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