The Farm Tender Hay Report - Dry Autumn sparks wider interest
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Hay & Fodder News
- May 04, 2021
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Dry Autumn sparks wider interest
For the fortnight up to the 5th of May, 2021.
Autumn is by far the most unpredictable time for a Farmer, and this Autumn has been no different. It's dry in SA and parts of Victoria. Whilst some areas of NSW and Queensland can't get enough stock on.
The La Nina has retreated, and the charts aren't showing any big general rains anytime soon.
We have seen a slight increase in Sales of Hay and Silage over the last fortnight. But what stands out is the inquiry. Many are just starting to think about buying Fodder. Why? For many reasons, it's cheap, it's getting cold, the grass is retreating in the dryer areas, and Farmers with Livestock want to keep adding weight.
On our Farm Tender inquiry page, we see an increase in Hay inquiries as a percentage of overall inquiry. This has increased in the last fortnight.
Mice continue to be a concern. The amount of Shedded and outside stacks you see with mice damage is prevalent. They have done some real damage. Mice damage is bad in Victoria but worsens as you head into Central NSW, where it's a full-on plague. The Chaff piles and smell make some of this Hay almost unsaleable.
A Wimmera Cropper, doing the night Seeding/Sowing shift, said he only sees two things, mice and dust.
Farmers are busily putting Crop in the ground as we speak. One thing we have noticed is plenty of chopping and changing as to what goes in the ground. Seed sales have lifted in the last couple of weeks on the back of that. It's interesting how many Farmers have dropped off growing Crops for Hay. Some, albeit very few, are starting to think it's not a bad idea to re-explore the Hay growing option. Perhaps they are taking a punt on doing what the majority aint....
It will be interesting to see what happens in the next fortnight.
Specs across a variety of Hay (eg Vetch) is wide and varied. This will keep buyers cautious. We heavily suggest that you buy parcels subject to the first load. We usually find that buyers will cop one load if it's a little off-spec, and it gives them a chance to cancel a contract. The seller can then reevaluate the Hay and get it back on the market quickly.
What's happened to Hay prices over the last fortnight?
Good quality Vetch Hay has probably risen slightly in the last fortnight, with the best quality stuff going from $200 to $220 a tonne. The lesser weather-damaged or mice affected starts at just over $120 a tonne
Cereal Hay has become more popular over the last fortnight, once again specs a wide and varied and prices peak out at about around $150 a tonne.
Not much Straw moved in the last fortnight.
Some pretty good quality Lucerne Silage that tested 23 for Protein and 41 for NDF sold for $70 a bale ex Gippsland yesterday.
We go around the grounds to see what our Farm Tender Salespeople have to say:
Paul Grayling - Mallee, Vic based
Paul said - The last fortnight has seen a lift in inquiry. Pricing hasn't done a lot, but interest has definitely lifted. Buyers are safeguarding against a dry Autumn and putting a bit away for the Winter. With the price of Livestock, this makes sense. Photo's and Feed test's are still imperative when selling as it is still a buyers market.
Shane Ruyg - Qld based
Shane said - I have been a bit out of the loop in the last week, having been away. But there has been a little bit more action just lately on the Hay front. It hasn't really got too cold down South yet, but it's not far away. A dry Autumn for some will lead into Winter with not much grass in paddocks. This is the scenario some Farmers are facing. It will be an interesting next fortnight.
Mike Pickard - Darling Downs, Qld based
Mike said - There have been some good falls across the Darling Downs and into the Maranoa regions of Southern Queensland, where planting is well underway. There have been some good sales of quality Hay, as in Medic Hay for $190 a tonne. Also, some Hay sales picking up where they are buying on WSC of greater than 20. Across the board, the inquiry has picked up as the weather gets colder.
Jackie Elliott - South West, Vic based
Jackie said - There has been an increase in interest in Fodder as Sheep Producers are working out how to manage Ewes leading up to Lambing. With good scanning rates and not much feed around, Farmers aren't waiting for the Autumn break. In the past 24/48 hours, it has been good to see parts of the SW Vic receive some rainfall, with more expected next week. Over in East Gippsland, a handy parcel of Lucerne Silage was sold locally, with the decision made based on the feed test and first load.
Murray Jones - WA based
Murray said - The majority of WA is busy Seeding, but not everyone has had enough rain to proceed. That's Farming. I have some good Hay listed at pretty low prices, some with a bit of weather stain, but it is priced accordingly. Some is at Dongora up North, some at Northam in the centre, and a few lots down South. May rainfall will determine quickly whether the demand hots up or vanishes.
Talk soon, EOM
Dwain Duxson - Farm Tender & DelayPay
For more information on selling or buying Hay contact the following:
Paul Grayling – 0447 069 082 or
Shane Ruyg – 0447 922 604 or
Mike Pickard – 0429 677 636 or
Jackie Elliott - 0400 808 550 or
Or 1300 Farming (1300 327 646)
Need to buy something? Try DelayPay
Payment terms for buyers and a spendable credit limit in 24 hours, go to If you are keen to know more ring Kelsey 0409 117 730 or Dwain 0427 011 900
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