The Farm Tender Hay Report – Decision time looms
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Water & Irrigation News
- Aug 27, 2019
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Decision time looms
For the fortnight up to the 27th of August, 2019 - Volume 40.
This article is bought to you by C Pearce Contracting and Glendemar MPM.
We saw a small revival in demand for Hay in the last week. This was compared to the fortnight before, when sales volumes were low.
The good old BOM has been predicting it to be dry pretty much right across the country from the start of the year, and they were spot on in some places, but not so in others. Many have been sorta limping through Winter, getting by with a bit of showery stuff. But crunch time is from now to the middle of September. As the headline says, decision time is looming.
For those areas that look ok, rain is needed to finish, and if it doesn't come, then alot of Crop will be dropped into windrows.
We all know of the big dry in the North, and we feel for all involved, and I even saw an area South of the main Melbourne/Adelaide Highway in Victoria where crops haven't emerged because it's been to wet.
The guys in the middle of these two extremes in SA, Vic and WA, things are ok because they have options. They can either cut for Hay, Graze or go for Grain. So having options is a good thing in the current environment.
On a side note, it's interesting to hear some positive comments back from Farmers and Feeders that have mixed Straw or Trash (Cereal, Rice, Corn, Cane etc) into rations for the first time to lessen the cost. They said they were so impressed by the results; that they would continue along the same path going forward.
Here are some of the quotes from the last fortnight of sales:
Old season Cereal and Canola Hay remained about the same as a fortnight ago selling around the mid $320-375/mt range. New season cereal has been booked out of the paddock for around $250/mt plus
Good quality old season Vetch Hay is selling for around $375-$400/mt and new season stuff is around $300/mt out of the paddock. Lucerne Hay sales were limited, as were Clover Hay sales.
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Ad - Glendemar MPM - Open Day is on the 20th of September and our Ram Sale is on the 2nd of October - Ad
We go around the grounds to see what our Farm Tender Salespeople have to say:
Shane Ruyg - Vic Mallee basedShane said - Interesting couple of weeks with still a few buyers looking at securing loads of Hay to get them through to harvest time. Pricing has come off old season Hay slightly, with plenty of calls and enquiries for new season Hay. Predictions are for dryer and warmer conditions starting on the weekend. There also could be some fronts in areas. With the weather pattern changing the likelihood of more Grain Crops to be dropped, this may change the landscape of 19/20 Hay season when it kicks in. Watch this space..
Bonnie Kenner - North East Vic based
Bonnie said - There is a lot of discussions happening at the moment in regards to new season Hay pricing. We're seeing a lot of expressions of interest being put out there with quite a few large parcels being booked up already. Some buyers are holding off if possible until the new season Hay hits the market. This won't be far away with some Hay crops being cut already, or in the next week or two in parts of southern NSW.
Mike said - We are still seeing a little bit of a stand-off between buyers and sellers re-new season and old season Hay. New season Hay ex Darling Downs Is reported to be between $500-$600/mt ex Farm. Central Queensland Cereal Hay $400-$450/mt ex Farm with baling well underway. There is talk of a small amount of frost damage through the Crops in central Queensland
Paul said - We are seeing plenty of New eason Hay being listed on the site, With more manageable pricing to go with it. New season Cereal is starting at around the $250 mark and Vetch at the $300/mt plus mark. We have been booking up a bit of both. There is Hay available now, but the price is still higher than the previously mentioned lines although it's back a fair bit of last months pricing.
Ad - It's Hay season soon. For the best results contact C Pearce Contracting - Ad
Ad - Glendemar MPM - Open Day is on the 20th of September and our Ram Sale is on the 2nd of October - Ad
For more information on selling or buying Hay contact the following:
Paul Grayling – 0447 069 082 or
Shane Ruyg – 0447 922 604 or
Mike Pickard – 0429 677 636 or
Bonnie Kenner - 0488 789 012 or
Or 1300 Farming (1300 327 646)
Ad - Trigger Vale Sheep Studs Information Day is on the 23rd of August 2019 - Ad
Consider DelayPay Seller for the upcoming Hay season
We hear it lots. My biggest risk is not getting paid.
Some of you may know that DelayPay is for buyers. Well, now we have just launched DelayPay for sellers.
How it works:
How it works:
- Decide you want to use DelayPay when selling
- We make sure the buyer is approved at our end
- A quick digital signature and an RCTI is issued to you
- Payment is made, then the goods can be picked up or despatched
- Payment within two business days of the deal being finalised
- You are "off risk" with the buyer
- We manage all the paperwork
- You get to trade with any approved buyer who doesn't need to be a Farm Tender member
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Ad - It's Hay season soon. For the best results contact C Pearce Contracting - Ad
Ad - Glendemar MPM - Open Day is on the 20th of September and our Ram Sale is on the 2nd of October - Ad
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