The Farm Tender Hay Report – FNQ floods show us Farming is a tough game
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Water & Irrigation News
- Feb 12, 2019
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FNQ floods show us Farming is a tough game
For the fortnight up to the 13th of February, 2019 - Volume 26
Terrible news about the floods in FNQ and all the Cattle deaths. For those in that situation, we are all thinking of you.
We go around the grounds to see what our Farm Tender Hay Sales people have to say:
Shane Ruyg - Vic Mallee based
Shane said - Demand at another level, Canola Hay popular in NSW with protein component allowing growers to use less cottonseed and other additives, Dry conditions up North an South (NSW) continuing the uncertainty for Livestock Farmers with most buying enough to get them through another month before looking at destocking. Lots of new Hay coming on the market with sellers seeing more demand and higher pricing. Not sure there is going to be enough Hay to go around this year as there is not the stockpiles around. Queensland demand is starting to increase also due to floods, and the Government is looking at subsidies for freight etc..
Bonnie Kenner - Central Vic based
Bonnie said - Hay enquiries are increasing, both cereal and pasture Hay pretty popular at the moment. Good quality Lucerne and Vetch Hay getting harder to find. Prices staying firm and some of the volume buyers are looking to secure large parcels.
Mike Pickard - Southern Queensland based
Mike said - Hay stocks are getting very low across the Darling Downs. Some inquiry from Northern NSW, Farmers unwilling to pay large freight bills, so they are looking for closer options. A lot of Buyers are buying on Protein/ME results and only want good quality, having a Hay test is going to be very beneficial. Possible Sorghum Crops/Stubbles coming on to market for Hay in the next couple of weeks. Please get your Sorghum Hay/Straw tested for Prussic Acid which can be done at Feed Central at Toowoomba
Paul Grayling - Northern Vic based
Paul said - Enquiry for Hay is on the way up, prices seem to be holding as the market hasn't exploded as yet with Canola, Cereal's and low Protein maintenance Hay attracting most of the interest. But with the weather and expensive Water prices, Protein Hay is starting to attract Livestock Producers. There aren't massive volumes of Protein Hay on the market so the need for High Protein Hay versus the Quantity available could end up being further apart than first expected. With a lot of time between now and next season, alternative Feed sources will be once again drawn upon.
Here are some of the quotes from the last fortnight of sales:
Canola Hay has been making up to $290/mt, Wheaten and Barley Hay stayed about the same with prices trading up to $305/mt
Good Lucerne Hay is making up to $400/mt plus, and Vetch is hard to track down still, some ok Pasture Hay Rolls made $70 a bale
Straw demand dropped in the last fortnight with a couple of good parcels making $120/mt.
We have just added the Australian Fodder Industry Association or AFIA as a Prime Preferred Partner, and we are looking to help grow the membership base of this organisation. Please take a look at their page and consider becoming a member. For more info click here or ring the CEO John McKew on 0438 182 600
Also, we launched DelayPay a little while ago and have had a huge response. We offer 6-month terms to approved buyers (no security) for any Farm related products. For more info Call Dwain Duxson on 0427 011 900 Kelsey Miller 0409 117 730
The next report will be in two weeks.
For more information on selling or buying Hay contact the following:
Paul Grayling – 0447 069 082 or
Shane Ruyg – 0447 922 604 or
Mike Pickard – 0429 677 636 or
Bonnie Kenner - 0488 789 012 or
Or 1300 Farming (1300 327 646)
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