Farm Tender

The Farm Tender Hay Report – Grass replaces Hay

Grass replaces Hay

For the fortnight up to the 7th of April 2020.

In many areas, the start to the year has been spot on with Farmers in drought-stricken areas finally getting something green to look at. We all know that grass is the cheapest form of feed.

Many of these producers have done some form of Livestock restocking and are back in the game with an income not too far around the corner. 

This is obviously at the expense of Hay, which has had a magnificent run in the last 2 and a bit years. So we are now in one of those cycles where the only Hay or Straw that is being sold goes to the Feedlotters or Dairy Farmers with more intensive feeding programs.

Mike pointed out below that there is alot of interest in Hay Equipment throughout Queensland. Farmers are taking advantage of the body of feed they have by potentially doing there own Hay or some for others locally. This changes the dynamics.

We know winter is not to far away so as Jackie mentioned below that we might see greater demand as the weather gets colder.

On another note, Mike also said he had a handful of calls from customers asking for a bit of a how-to guide for working from home. For the record most the Farm Tender team works from home, it was the way we started out and we have developed the systems and rules to make it work. All the staff love it.

What's happened to Hay prices over the last fortnight?

Sales of Cereal Hay traded between $220/mt and $240/mt

Vetch Hay traded anywhere from $300/mt up to $340/mt and Clover Hay with a 15P, 8.7ME and 57NDF made $245/mt

We saw Straw get down to as low as $60/mt ex Riverina, NSW.

We go around the grounds to see what our Farm Tender Sales people have to say:

Mike Pickard - Southern Queensland based
Mike said - Some mixed lots of medium sized parcels of Hay are selling, namely Canola, Vetch and some Pasture Hay. Some buyers are taking advantage of what's available now before winter when we think demand will pick up. There has been a bit of a run on Hay gear in Queensland as some produces take advantage of the current body of feed to keep for the winter months

Shane Ruyg - Queensland based
Shane said - Very quiet on the Hay front with more rain over the last week or so, plus with sowing/seeding about to start I can't see much Hay or Straw being moved in the short term.

Paul Grayling - Mallee Vic based
Paul said - Not a lot of movement on the Hay fronts ATM with the majority of areas receiving some well-needed rain and then a follow-up. People will make the most of what feed is in the paddock before Winter turns the growth off. Protein Hay is getting a small amount of interest. While Cereals and Straw are very quite. This should change as we get into winter.

Jackie Elliott - South West Vic based
Jackie said - There is still plenty of Hay about, with new listings going up daily. With the cooler weather settling in the south, roughage requirements for Cattle will be important and there may be producers looking to buy soon. 

Catch you in a fortnight

Dwain Duxson - Farm Tender & DelayPay

For more information on selling or buying Hay contact the following:
Paul Grayling – 0447 069 082 or
Shane Ruyg – 0447 922 604 or
Mike Pickard – 0429 677 636 or
Jackie Elliott - 0400 808 550 or
Or 1300 Farming (1300 327 646)

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