The Farm Tender Hay Report – Hay Freight proving hard to find ATM
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Water & Irrigation News
- Dec 17, 2019
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Hay Freight proving hard to find ATM.
For the fortnight up to the 18th of December, 2019
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It's a boom time for Hay Freight carriers right now with many buyers, sellers and our very own Farm Tender sales staff all finding it hard to source Trucks to cart Hay.
Mike Pickard spoke to a client who did the drive from somewhere in Queensland down the Newall Hwy and across to Echuca in Victoria, they said they counted 800 Trucks loaded with Hay heading North. Big numbers.
I am sure the Roadhouse and Servo operators are in licking their lips as well.
In Victoria, there are allocated Road Train routes stemming down from the North West, the VFF (Victorian Farmers Federation) is concerned that some operators are going off route and this could jeopardise the whole program. Take a look at the media release the VFF has sent out here - VFF says non-compliance will threaten the future of the drought Road Train network.
The Hay focus from a buying perspective is firmly focussed in the South of the country as Mike reports below that any Central Queensland Hay that was baled has either left the area or been soaked up locally.
There is still Hay making going on in the deep South of the Country, and the baling of Straw behind the Harvester is in full swing.
Going forward, the 2019 Hay-Straw Crop looks as though (or here's hoping) it will get us through to Autumn and I guess we all have to start thinking what the Hay job looks like if we can snag a ripper season right across the country in 2020. I, like many, am barracking for this to happen. However, any form of confidence for those in drought will only be restored with an exceptional season, maybe two or even three. We will cross that bridge when it presents.
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What's happened to Hay prices over the last fortnight?
The data coming in from the sales spreadsheets is saying that Cereal Hay price have edged up ever so slightly in the last fortnight. Perhaps $2-$5/mt at the most to around $245/mt.
It's pretty safe to say that Vetch Hay prices have remained stable (around $300/mt) over the 2 weeks.
Canola Hay prices went up $5/mt in the last fortnight and have been trading for $255/mt ex Wimmera.
Straw has been the big mover and is now selling for $100-$110/mt down from $140/mt quoted in the last report. We still think there will be a constant demand for Straw all the way through, but it will be a game played with patience.
We are starting to see a little bit of interest in Rolls.
The guys at the PAC are still selling lots of Lucerne eco bales for $17.50 per unit into retail stores in NSW for reselling.
We go around the grounds to see what our Farm Tender Sales people have to say:
Shane Ruyg - Vic Mallee based
Shane said - The Hay job has lifted another level with sales and enquires at an all-time high. We are seeing stock levels diminish; sellers seem to be holding off listing their Hay until Harvest comes to an end, and they evaluate what to sell and what to store. Prices are starting to lift with the demand, and I can only see that continuing as the dry up North continues. On a brighter note, there is an abundance of Straw at reasonable price levels, we are starting to see more move over the last couple of weeks, and we are expecting plenty more to move in 2020.
Paul Grayling - Northern Vic based
Paul said - Enquiry has been steady with the majority of Hay heading North. Cereal Hay, Vetch Hay and then Canola Hay seems to be the most sought after along with Oaten Hay. Feed Tests are imperative when buying or selling Hay this year with some real 'mixed bag' results coming back in. We are also seeing alot of Straw being listed at very reasonable figures and the majority of those have good weight in the bales.Ad - Try Loadshift - The Australia wide online heavy haulage transport marketplace - Ad
Mike Pickard - Southern Queensland based
Mike said - Drought continues to spread into Central Queensland with Hay supplies becoming slim in the Hay growing areas around Rockhampton and Biloela. This has placed more demand on Hay stocks out of Southern New South Wales, SA and Victoria Freight is hard to source and waiting periods for Hay deliveries seems to be dragging out.
Mike said - Drought continues to spread into Central Queensland with Hay supplies becoming slim in the Hay growing areas around Rockhampton and Biloela. This has placed more demand on Hay stocks out of Southern New South Wales, SA and Victoria Freight is hard to source and waiting periods for Hay deliveries seems to be dragging out.
Bonnie Kenner - North East Vic based
Bonnie said - Prices are holding reasonably firm at the moment with the majority of Hay travelling some fairly long distances. These distance buyers are especially keen to see feed tests, particularly with Canola Hay, as there has been a couple of reports of high nitrate levels this season. Freight is becoming a little bit of a challenge at the moment with many transport operators finding themselves extremely busy at this point in time. Catch you in a fortnight
For more information on selling or buying Hay contact the following:
Paul Grayling – 0447 069 082 or
Shane Ruyg – 0447 922 604 or
Mike Pickard – 0429 677 636 or
Bonnie Kenner - 0488 789 012 or
Or 1300 Farming (1300 327 646)
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