The Farm Tender Hay Report – Looking forward to the new Hay Season
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Water & Irrigation News
- Jul 02, 2019
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Looking forward to the new Hay Season.
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For the fortnight up to the 3rd of July, 2019 - Volume 36.
For the fortnight up to the 3rd of July, 2019 - Volume 36.
The new Hay season is only a bit over two months away and almost everyone, especially buyers, is looking forward to it.
The season through most parts of the big Hay growing regions of Victoria and SA is looking pretty good with many reporting that they will at least cut Hay.
Currently, supply levels have reached a new low. Straw, which was plentiful only a month or two back is virtually non-existant. Alot of the other cheaper feed sources have dried up also.
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It's hand to mouth right now, and any Hay that is fairly priced is selling real quick.
In the lead up to the next Hay season, we will consult some of the experts who can outline what you need to do to get the most out of your new season Hay. Watch this space
Here are some of the quotes from the last fortnight of sales:
As Shane Ruyg points out below, Cereal and Canola Hay is selling anywhere in the $400-$500/mt range. We thought that when Cereal Hay got to $400/mt, it would be maxed out as far as price is concerned, but the market has proven us wrong
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Straw stocks have been exhausted, and prices for any that sold have remained in the $200-$220/mt range. Corn Straw has been a big seller, but it too is now hard to find
We go around the grounds to see what our Farm Tender Salespeople have to say:
Shane Ruyg - Vic Mallee based
Shane said - We are still experiencing plenty of demand on Hay and Straw from areas that are still dry where rainfall is needed most. Again we are seeing small parcels of both being released, but with higher than normal pricing. We are also seeing some price resistance. For example, pricing for Cereal/Canola Hay is anywhere between $400-$500/mt ex-farm and Straw from $200-$220/mt. Straw stocks are a real concern, as of Monday afternoon we had no large bales for sale, which gives you an idea that stocks are nearly exhausted. Current Hay and Straw listings are all getting multiple enquires and sold quite quickly. This can be very frustrating for the buyers, so make sure you are checking the site regularly.
Bonnie Kenner - North East Vic based
Bonnie said - Demand is still high for most types of Hay as well as good quality Cereal Straw. There have been some parcels popping up, mainly across Southern Victoria and in areas that have received some decent rainfall. These parcels are selling very quickly. Prices are still up there and looking like they’ll remain that way for a while yet.
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Mike Pickard - Southern Queensland based
Mike said - There are only small parcels of Hay are coming on to market in Northern NSW and Qld. I currently have a lot of buyers who do their own freight, but most of the sellers want the freight also, so marrying them up is difficult.
Paul Grayling - Northern Vic based
Paul said - Unfortunately there is not a lot of positive news to report if you are a buyer of Hay. Small parcels have popped up but are being sold very quickly, There is some Protein Hay around, but it's attracting a bigger price tag. Straw has all but disappeared as have many other cheaper alternatives.
Dwain Duxson - Farm Tender
Check out the Australian Fodder Industry Association or AFIA. They are one of our Prime Preferred Partner (PPP's) and have their 2019 National Conference in the Hunter Valley of NSW on the 29th through to the 31st of July. An event not to be missed. Become a member today. For more info click here or ring the CEO John McKew on 0438 182 600
We are getting lots of Hay buyers using DelayPay. We offer 6-month terms to approved buyers with no security. You can use DelayPay for any sort of Ag purchases, and it takes only 24-48 hours to apply for a credit limit. Also, you don't have to buy through Farm Tender specifically. For more info Call Dwain Duxson on 0427 011 900 Kelsey Miller 0409 117 730
For more information on selling or buying Hay contact the following:
Paul Grayling – 0447 069 082 or
Shane Ruyg – 0447 922 604 or
Mike Pickard – 0429 677 636 or
Bonnie Kenner - 0488 789 012 or
Or 1300 Farming (1300 327 646)
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