The Farm Tender Hay Report - More of a Grass Report...
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Water & Irrigation News
- Feb 09, 2021
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More of a Grass Report...
For the fortnight up to the 10th of February 2021.
The rain continues to fall, and some Farmers wonder if the February break will continue right through. That is a big talking point amongst Farmers right now. If it does, that would be a big shot in the arm for NSW and some of Queensland Farmer who have made it out of drought over the last 12 months.
Good green feed and a long season will probably mean the market for Livestock stays up, and for those guys replenishing numbers, it's a good result.
Many Farmers have also decided that the conditions are right to drill in some Summer feed of sorts.
Cheaper water is also a factor.
One's things for sure, everyone will be trying to fatten anything Bovine or Ovine to take advantage of the current market. You would have to think it will hold up if the rain keeps coming. Are these Cattle and Sheep prices the new normal? Does the supply chain have to adjust? I listened to the Head Shepherd podcast interviewing Tom Bull over the weekend, and he was asking the question. Why can't we have $140/kg Lamb cutlets?
We are only really doing spot loads currenlty, with the odd parcel of Vetch Hay and Cereal Straw being sold.
So at this stage, we can't see any short term pick up in demand for Hay, but we all know things can change in this game.
What's happened to Hay prices over the last fortnight?
Paul sold 360/mt of Vetch Hay that tested 20 for Protein, 9 for ME and 52 for NDF that made $180/mt.
Cereal Hay starts at around $100/mt and work up from there depending on the quality.
Jackie has had a bit of demand for Shedded old season Staw into a couple fo Feedlots in Gippsland. Prices are as low as $40/mt ex Farm.
Lucerne Hay is selling in the $240/mt to $255/mt range.
We go around the grounds to see what our Farm Tender Salespeople have to say:
Paul Grayling - Mallee, Vic based
Paul said - This past Fortnight hasn't seen a great deal of change in the Hay Job, it seems the only thing on the move is Protein Hay. With a plethora of filler type options out there sellers need to present their parcels as best they can with photo's and feed test's a must. Meeting the market is also crucial if you are looking to shift anything. You will have more luck being on the lower side of the market. Storage will come in very handy for those who have it up there sleeve.
Shane Ruyg - Queensland based
Shane said - Still very quiet on the Hay and Straw job. I only sold a few loads of Clover Hay over the last couple of weeks. Hearing there is feed everywhere down South and can't see the job picking up until we start getting into the colder months at this stage.
Mike Pickard - Darling Downs, Qld based
Mike said - Not much to report this fortnight. There is plenty of rain in the Northern half of Queensland, and in the Western areas, Eastern Darling Downs it's remaining dry. Small parcels of Straw are being sold just for Farmers to fill up sheds while the price is reasonable. Again, as stated in the last report, spot loads of specific types of Hay requested by buyers are being sourced, e.g. Hay for stud Bulls for the show circuit, etc.
Jackie Elliott - South West, Vic based
Jackie said - There has been interest in 19/20 season shedded Barley Straw at a low price from a couple of Feedlots. Particularly since the suppliers weren't unable to bale their own this season due to a wet Harvest and discolouring.
Talk soon
Dwain Duxson - Farm Tender & DelayPay
For more information on selling or buying Hay contact the following:
Paul Grayling – 0447 069 082 or
Shane Ruyg – 0447 922 604 or
Mike Pickard – 0429 677 636 or
Jackie Elliott - 0400 808 550 or
Murray Jones (WA only) - 0474 808 160 or
Or 1300 Farming (1300 327 646)
Need to buy something? Try DelayPay
Payment terms for buyers and a spendable credit limit in 24 hours, go to If you are keen to know more ring Kelsey 0409 117 730 or Dwain 0427 011 900
**List your Sheep, Cattle, Rams, Bulls or other Livestock on our new Farm Tender Livestock Exchange (powered by Farm Tender). From 1% commission if you sell. Reach between 8000 - 10,000 potential customers per day. Contact our Livestock Marketing team in Hannah Anderson on 0429 479 072 or Bruce Watson 0427 514 248 for more information. Like our new Facebook page here.
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