The Farm Tender Hay Report – Sellers nervous and looking for something to happen
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Water & Irrigation News
- Jun 30, 2020
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Sellers nervous and looking for something to happen
For the fortnight up to the 1st of July, 2020.
Our sales guys are still getting asked plenty of questions. Like, is the Hay job moving or what's going on with Hay? Unfortunately, they belt out the same old broken record of "not much". As I mentioned in a previous report, there is always someone buying Grain at a price point. But with Hay, if there is no demand, there are no selling options.
The season is cracking along in spots and the last thing on people's mind is buying Hay.
The price of Water is affecting Hay demand. Prices for Water peaked at around $600/ml, and now, prices are around $200/ml in the Murray and Goulburn Irrigation areas. This is a much more favourable situation for Dairy Farmers to irrigate Pastures or Crops at the expense of buying Hay.
Many of us thought that the colder weather would spark something, but that has failed to eventuate.
Mice populations have increased and are affecting Hay and Straw stacked both inside or outside.
All in all, Hay and Straw sellers could be described as a nervous bunch as we draw a little closer to the new season.
Speaking of the new season, there is talk already about where prices will be at, off the Baler. Some of the prices spoken about are in favour of the buyer. Let's see how that one plays out.
In WA it's quite contrasting to the East. Hay and Straw is hard to access and what is around has already been spoken for. Conditions are quite tough in WA, except for the more reliable South West where they have a reasonable pick. Prices are $130/mt to $160/mt higher for Cereal Hay in the West compared to the East. Straw is $50/mt to $70/mt higher and that's if you can get your hands on anything.
In Queensland, we are seeing some ongoing interest in Lucerne Hay.
What's happened to Hay prices over the last fortnight?
Cereal Hay maintained its level, selling at and around $200/mt for the last fortnight, although we saw a couple of discounted parcels sell a little cheaper
Vetch Hay, like Cereal Hay, stayed at the same level, $300/mt is the mark for the better quality stuff. I wonder if the much higher Lucerne Hay prices are helping to hold the Vetch prices around its current mark. The conversation has started for new season Vetch Hay pricing.
Straw is all over the shop, it just comes down the fact of what a seller is prepared to sell it at. Buyers are asking those questions and hold the upper hand in the Straw market conversation.
We go around the grounds to see what our Farm Tender Sales people have to say:
Paul Grayling - Mallee Vic based
Paul said - We have seen a slight rise in interest in Protein Hay for winter coverage. Cereal Hay has been slow, and Straw interest is close to none existent. There is plenty of talk around new season Hay pricing. Will be interesting to see what that sits at come pressing time.Shane Ruyg - Queensland based
Shane said - Another fortnight without much enquiry on Hay or Straw. I sold a parcel of Vetch Hay and Barley Straw, but that was about it, which is very quiet for this time of the year. We are seeing Straw pricing being lowered daily as sellers try to get it off their property before more damage from weather or mice starts affecting it.Jackie Elliott - South West Vic based
Jackie said - I was hoping that we would have some movement to report this fortnight. However, this has not been the case. There was a couple of small quantities sold with people taking advantage of the reduced price of Cereal Straw. Mike Pickard - Darling Downs based
Mike said - Some small parcels of Hay being sold over the last fortnight mainly on a hand to mouth basis, and at close proximity to where it's needed. Some Hay gear starting to move around in South-Western Queensland area in preparation for the up-and-coming season. Still a little bit of interest in Lucerne in Southern Queensland
Mike said - Some small parcels of Hay being sold over the last fortnight mainly on a hand to mouth basis, and at close proximity to where it's needed. Some Hay gear starting to move around in South-Western Queensland area in preparation for the up-and-coming season. Still a little bit of interest in Lucerne in Southern Queensland
For more information on selling or buying Hay contact the following:
Paul Grayling – 0447 069 082 or
Shane Ruyg – 0447 922 604 or
Mike Pickard – 0429 677 636 or
Jackie Elliott - 0400 808 550 or
Or 1300 Farming (1300 327 646)
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