Farm Tender

The Farm Tender Hay Report – Straw sales lift dramatically as buyers look for cheaper alternatives

Straw sales lift dramatically as buyers look for cheaper alternatives

For the fortnight up to the 10th of March, 2019 - Volume 30.

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Demand for Hay and Fodder reached "full noise" in the last fortnight on the back of talk of dwindling supply levels. This rang true with many lot's sold and many more taken from the Market in the last fortnight. Sellers who have Livestock themselves, though it might be better to keep more on hand rather than have to buy back in later. This scenario caused a tidal wave of hay taken out of the market at least until the season is assured

The Autumn break has alluded many and the ten-day forecast is not looking promising, we simply need a forecasted general rain event or better still the real thing. The cooler Slopes and Southern regions are more desperate as the colder weather is close now and the grass growing window is dwindling by the day. Those that have had reasonable rain are now looking for a top up to keep things going.

As the guys mention below, Straw and alternative feeds are becoming a viable alternative and proving popular. In one day alone we brokered over 4000/mt of Corn Straw

We go around the grounds to see what our Farm Tender Salespeople have to say:
Shane Ruyg - Vic Mallee based
Shane said - The Hay/Straw demand is still high with plenty of enquiries and sales over the past fortnight. Things are getting tight with not a lot of Cereal and Protein Hay advertised on our site compared to other years. Other feed options being looked at are Grape Marc, Citrus Pulp, Almond Hulls, Frosted Lentils, Legume Screenings etc. as buyers look for alternatives. De-stocking and different feed options will continue as we hope that there is some more widespread rain coming over the next few weeks.

Bonnie Kenner - Central Vic based
Bonnie said - All types of Hay are selling quickly with demand remaining strong. With Cereal Hay getting harder to source, there has been a lot of inquiries on Pasture Hay and for good quality Straw. As dry conditions continue many producers are starting to look at alternative feeds and in some cases those previously with Hay to sell are pulling it from the market to ensure their long term requirements will be met.

Mike Pickard - Southern Queensland based
Mike said - Still demand in New South Wales, Central to Northern Tablelands for winter feed. Demand still high in Southern Queensland.

Paul Grayling - Northern Vic based
Paul said - We are seeing Hay stocks dwindle with many people hanging on to what they have to get them through the Winter. Vetch Hay stocks are reasonable but are attracting the higher dollars. We have a fair bit of straw available which along with other additives can fill the gap well. Point of the story, if you have requirements going forward fill them now as the options continue to disappear and become more and more limited as we continue to stay dry, then eventually start feeling the cold.

Here are some of the quotes from the last fortnight of sales:
Wheaten Hay kicked in the last fortnight, with prices making up to $390/mt (brilliant test) as buyers go into some form of panic mode. There were limited amounts of Barley and Oaten Hay sold in the last fortnight. Canola Hay had a rise of around $10/mt with prices getting to $340/mt

Any Lucerne, Clover or Vetch Hay is hard to find but didn't have the same prices rises as the Wheaten Hay did. Prices for Protein Hay stayed reasonably steady starting at $380/mt and working North for the better qualities parcels. Pasture Hay was sought after on the back of the Wheaten Hay price rise.

Straw was in demand with all types coming into play. Good Cereal Straw was making around the $150/mt with a few parcels with heavier bale weight making a bit more. We sold over 4000/mt of Corn Stubble in one day this week

We have just added the Australian Fodder Industry Association or AFIA as a Prime Preferred Partner, and we are looking to help grow the membership base of this organisation. Please take a look at their page and consider becoming a member. For more info click here or ring the CEO John McKew on 0438 182 600

We are getting lots of Hay buyers using DelayPay. We offer 6-month terms to approved buyers with no security. You can use DelayPay for any sort of Ag purchases and it takes only 24-48 hours to apply for a credit limit. For more info Call Dwain Duxson on 0427 011 900 Kelsey Miller 0409 117 730

The next report will be in two weeks.

For more information on selling or buying Hay contact the following:
Paul Grayling – 0447 069 082 or
Shane Ruyg – 0447 922 604 or
Mike Pickard – 0429 677 636 or
Bonnie Kenner - 0488 789 012 or
Or 1300 Farming (1300 327 646)

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